美国派匹电气产品公司 PEPI(Portage Electric Products, Inc.)是一家主要的热控设备开发商和制造商,总部位于美国俄亥俄州的北坎顿。我们的热控产品主要用于小型电机、电器、电池组和类似应用。PEPI热控产品销往世界各地,并且几乎总是以某种方式定制,以满足特殊的客户需求。PEPI系列热控装置包括蠕动式(慢开、慢合)和速动式(快开、快合)装置。我们所有的控制装置都采用特别选择的双金属元件,对温度和/或电流的增加做出反应,以打开或关闭电路。我们的业务成立于1963年,基于卓越的产品工程、满足特定客户需求的定制、自动化生产、严格的质量检测和异常灵敏的客户服务。我们是一家私人控股公司,现在由首席执行官金·齐格勒领导,他是Wehl家族的第四位成员来领导公司。以工程为基础的公司格伦·威尔是一名电气工程师,擅长产品设计。  在俄亥俄州阿克伦一家领先的恒温器制造商工作后,他和父亲克拉克·威尔一起创立了波蒂奇电气产品公司。  他的第一个热控制模型是一个新颖的设计,于1963年首次用于咖啡壶。  它是在俄亥俄州北坎顿波蒂奇街的一个租来的地方,用格伦的一个朋友设计的设备制造的。当时,格伦还经营着一家名为Creativeering的电气工程公司,他曾经设计了一种新颖的机器,将嫩化剂注入肉类。  随着自动调温器的Portage电气生产线的起飞,他将公司搬到了现在的北坎顿。  该公司在那里发展迅速,最终占据了一个有五栋建筑的制造园区。今天,波蒂奇电气产品公司在六个国家开展业务——美国、墨西哥、荷兰、德国、香港和日本。  当客户告诉我们,“这就是我所需要的”时,连接Portage Electric过去和现在的常数是对工程卓越、创新和响应的奉献这种响应在我们的原型实验室中最为明显,这是我们早期致力于将热控原型尽快送到设计工程师手中的现代产物。全球焦点随着小型电机、电器和电池组等客户产品的制造变得全球化,我们的业务也变得全球化。自1975年以来,我们一直在全球销售PEPI产品。今天,PEPI的产品在世界各地生产和运输,并符合相应的国家标准组织的规格。小型化的趋势从一开始,这家热控制造商就提供了节省空间的优势。这有助于我们在20世纪80年代小型化成为我们客户关注的焦点时快速前进。今天,以超小型N型系列和V型系列为首的PEPI系列热控产品以其整体小巧著称。致力于质量和可靠性我们的设备是产品安全运行和危险故障之间的唯一屏障。鉴于这一重要角色,我们竭尽全力确保质量和可靠性。除了几乎每个制造商为寻求更好的质量而使用的统计质量程序,我们还采取一些具体措施来确保PEPI产品符合严格的质量标准。所有PEPI产品在制造过程中都经过质量测试。由于我们每年运送数百万台设备,你可以想象这是一项多么复杂的工作。我们开发了自己专有的自动化测试设备,以确保每个设备都经过测试,符合可靠性标准。PEPI的所有生产设施都保持得非常干净。我们认为尽可能消除潜在的质量问题是明智的。根据客户的要求,我们利用扩散金的纯银触点,有助于降低关键应用设备的内阻。重要产品和创新热量控制是我们唯一的生意。凭借这种敏锐的企业关注,我们多年来开发了许多重大创新,帮助我们的客户做到了他们以前无法做到的事情。明天我们打算继续致力于我们业务的两个基础。(1)卓越的工程和质量,以及(2)及时关注客户的产品和服务需求。我们邀请您在浏览本网站时更多地了解我们的公司和产品。
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:41 to 302 F (5 to 150 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 volts
    Maximum Current:3 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.3800 inch (9.65 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:1.04 inch (26.42 mm)
    Mounting:Crimped Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:41 to 302 F (5 to 150 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 volts
    Maximum Current:2 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.3800 inch (9.65 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:1.04 inch (26.42 mm)
    Mounting:Crimped Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:41 to 302 F (5 to 150 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 volts
    Maximum Current:1 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.3800 inch (9.65 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:1.04 inch (26.42 mm)
    Mounting:Crimped Wire Connections
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Cutoff Temperature:200 C (392 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:5 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Axial Leads (optional feature); Radial Leads (optional feature)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Cutoff Temperature:200 C (392 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:5 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Axial Leads (optional feature); Radial Leads (optional feature)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:8 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:23.62 mm (0.9299 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:160 C (320 F)
    Maximum Width of Case:10.67 mm (0.4201 inch)
    Rated Voltage:12 volts
    Rated Current:15 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:140 to 302 F (60 to 150 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 to 240 volts
    Maximum Current:4 to 5 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.4200 inch (10.67 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.9300 inch (23.62 mm)
    Mounting:Crimped Wire Connections
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Electrical Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:140 to 302 F (60 to 150 C)
    Life Cycles:10000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 to 240 volts
    Maximum Current:15 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.4200 inch (10.67 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.9300 inch (23.62 mm)
    Mounting:Crimped Wire Connections
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:23.29 mm (0.9169 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Maximum Width of Case:10.55 mm (0.4154 inch)
    Rated Voltage:16 volts
    Rated Current:20 to 22 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Axial Leads (optional feature); Radial Leads (optional feature)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:23.29 mm (0.9169 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Maximum Width of Case:10.53 mm (0.4146 inch)
    Rated Voltage:240 volts
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Axial Leads (optional feature); Radial Leads (optional feature)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:31.75 mm (1.25 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:200 C (392 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:6.85 mm (0.2697 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:4 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Axial Leads (optional feature); Radial Leads (optional feature)
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :32 to 392 F (0 to 200 C)
    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Manual Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:23 to 365 F (-5 to 185 C)
    Life Cycles:3000 to 6000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 16 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.6417 inch (16.3 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.4449 inch (11.3 mm)
    Mounting:Welded Lead Wire Connections
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :32 to 392 F (0 to 200 C)
    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:23 to 374 F (-5 to 190 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 16 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.6417 inch (16.3 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.4449 inch (11.3 mm)
    Mounting:Welded Lead Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise ;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:31.75 mm (1.25 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:200 C (392 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:6.85 mm (0.2697 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:4 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :32 to 392 F (0 to 200 C)
    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:-5 to 190 F (-21 to 88 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:120 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 16 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.6417 inch (16.3 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.4449 inch (11.3 mm)
    Mounting:Welded Lead Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:31.75 mm (1.25 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:6.85 mm (0.2697 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:2.5 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:25.4 mm (1 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:130 C (266 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:5.08 mm (0.2000 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:2.6 to 100 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:25.4 mm (1 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:130 C (266 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:5.08 mm (0.2000 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:2.6 to 100 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:25.4 mm (1 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:130 C (266 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:5.08 mm (0.2000 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:2.6 to 100 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :32 to 392 F (0 to 200 C)
    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:23 to 392 F (-5 to 200 C)
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.8268 inch (21 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:1.18 inch (30 mm)
    Mounting:Welded Lead Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO; Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:31.75 mm (1.25 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:6.86 mm (0.2701 inch)
    Rated Voltage:120 volts
    Rated Current:2.5 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :32 to 392 F (0 to 200 C)
    产品类别 :Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    Features:Automatic Reset
    High Temperature Set Point:23 to 365 F (-5 to 185 C)
    Life Cycles:3000 to 6000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 16 amps
    Maximum Diameter or Width:0.6417 inch (16.3 mm)
    Maximum Height or Length:0.4449 inch (11.3 mm)
    Mounting:Welded Lead Wire Connections ;Other
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Switch Point:Fixed
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC; Open on Temperature Rise
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:16.13 mm (0.6350 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:100 C (212 F)
    Lead Material:Silver Plated Copper Wire
    Maximum Width of Case:5.84 mm (0.2299 inch)
    Rated Voltage:24 volts
    Rated Current:10 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Thermal Cutoffs and Thermal Fuses
    Alternate Lead Lengths:Alternate Lead Lengths Available (optional feature)
    Case Assembly Length:44.45 mm (1.75 inch)
    Cutoff Temperature:150 C (302 F)
    Maximum Width of Case:12.7 mm (0.5000 inch)
    Rated Voltage:240 volts
    Rated Current:20 amps
    Thermal Cutoff Style:Radial Leads
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