

Serfilco 速菲科
宗旨Serfilco (速菲科) 的使命是成为客户和我们服务的行业的积极合作伙伴,以应对全球经济和日益严格的政府安全和废物减少控制带来的挑战。为此,我们将继续开发和制造最先进的过滤、液体处理和废物处理设备,以帮助实现产品完整性、质量和成本节约,从而在市场上具有竞争力。60年来全球泵和过滤行业的领导者任何企业的成功都来自于发现需求并满足它。1961年,我们的创始人Jack Berg发现表面处理行业需要更好的过滤,以提高电镀质量并减少废品。只有作为制造商代表向电镀工人销售过滤器的经验和自己做生意的愿望,他冒险开了一家小店面,销售泵、过滤室和滤筒。从那卑微的开始,Serfilco 已经成长为一个多国制造商过滤和液体处理产品服务于多个行业。我们在北美设有工厂,在海外也有业务,再加上遍布全球的销售代表网络,因此我们在战略上能够满足客户的需求。在过去的60年里,我们已经看到了许多领域的变化表面处理,化学加工和化学制造工业。随着这些变化的发生,设备也在变化。更新更好的设计,以及更广泛的耐化学腐蚀材料正被用于提供更有效和高效生产所需的工具,以及为操作者和环境提供更大的安全性。Serfilco 作为将这些先进技术推向市场的先锋,我们深感自豪。磁力耦合泵,立式泵外部安装的单双机械密封泵,全塑过滤系统和泵送搅拌系统,使用喷射器 搅动过程和清洁溶液都可以追溯到的远见卓识,独创性和毅力Serfilco 人们。对我们来说,前60年是一个学习期,在此期间,我们积累了两代人的经验,通过作为行业基准的产品来满足客户需求和解决问题。如同 Serfilco 进入泰国(Thailand)十年来,在化学处理设备的设计、制造和分销领域一直处于市场领先地位。回顾我们行业发生的惊人变化(包括上文提到的许多变化)是很容易的。然而,为了与我们的传统保持一致,我们选择满怀激情和期待地展望未来,并通过我们对持续改进和创新的承诺来克服未来的任何新挑战。速菲科(上海)化工设备有限公司SERFILCO为专业从事设计、制造电镀及金属精饰工业生产设备的公司,产品包括 立式离心泵 、卧式磁力泵和过滤器、过滤系统,插桶泵,循环搅拌系统、加热器及其它相关产品,产品材质有PVC、CPVC、PP、PVDF和铸铁、不锈钢等, 能够满足电镀液体循环过滤、液体抽送、液体循环搅拌、液体加热及控制等生产的多种需求。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1166 B 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1166 J 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1166 K 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1167 F 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1167 G 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1167 H 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1167 J 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1250 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1250 A 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1251 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1252 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1254 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1255 料位控制器

  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-1261 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-2205 料位控制器

    Performance: Level Control","Features • Replace unreliable level sensors • Eliminate corrosion problems • Protect pumps and other equipment • Prevent operator errors • Improve process quality with more monitoring • Detect leaks and piping failures immediately • Reduce installation and maintenance costs","Specifications This system allows you to solve industrial liquid level problems with a value added all-plastic system. Select a reliable industrial all-plastic level sensor in four technologies, a controller or output option and a mounting system. These point level switches will offer high and low alarms, automatic pump up or pump down (automatic empty or fill operations) and leak detection.
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-66-7031 料位控制器

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