  欢迎来到 Hymark自动化、运动控制、测量和机床设备的直接来源。通过我们与世界知名制造商的独家合作伙伴关系,包括Lika Electronic、MS-Graessner、Sesame Motor、Digtronic、Hejm Automation、HSB Automation和NIDEC-SHIMPO,我们能够提供全方位的测量和运动控制设备。Hymark 还是Kentucky Gauge系列长度测量量规和制造机床设备的制造商。凭借如此广泛的知识、专长和定制能力,Hymark 在为机器人、机床、半导体、自动化、医疗、军事和包装等行业的制造商和集成商提供 OEM 解决方案方面无与伦比。通过与世界知名制造商的战略合作伙伴关系以及系统和服务的持续改进,Hymark 为客户提供具有成本效益的高质量传感、传动装置、测量和控制解决方案。我们的产品包括线性和旋转编码器、精密电机和齿轮系统、可编程凸轮控制器、执行器和交钥匙自动机械。我们的行动以实现超越客户要求的 全面质量绩效的坚定承诺为指导。全面质量绩效意味着了解客户的要求并按时无差错地满足这些要求。Hymark 对质量的重视从您与我们训练有素的员工的第一次接触中就可以看出。通过确保他们清楚地了解您的要求,我们的销售代表可以回答您可能对特定产品和应用提出的问题,或帮助您决定哪些产品最能完全和最具成本效益地满足您的需求。在 Hymark,我们努力保持客户所需的高水平服务,并为我们长期的客户关系感到自豪。首次使用的客户对 Hymark 提供的服务感到满意,回头客也依赖它。
  • Hymark SIL3&PLe Safety Controller for Functional Safety of Incremental Encoders 安全监控系统

    "Safety is becoming increasingly important in the design and manufacturing of machi­nes and plants. It is intended to safeguard the health of workers on one hand, and to improve productivity, efficiency and relia­bility on the other hand. So more and more often functional safety systems are im­plemented: they use certified subsystems in order to fulfill specific and unavoidable safety requirements. IFS-10 safety controller from Lika Electronic is conceived to exactly meet this need: it is designed for the integration of incremental encoders (and even non safe encoders) into systems that require the SIL3 Safety Integrity Level and the PLe Performance Level. Thus, it is ideal to retro­fit existing industrial plants. SIL and PLe are two different methods that allow for evaluation of a safety function: they are defined by the EN 62061 (SIL) and ISO 13849-1 (PL) standards and achieve similar results (so they are often matched together). SIL3 and PLe are the higher levels of safety for machinery. IFS-10 is SIL3\/PLe certified and allows the creation of a redundant safety subsystem by means of sin\/cos 1Vpp, HTL\/Push-Pull and TTL\/RS422 incremental encoders, but also proximity sensors, limit switches and command devices. It monitors and controls speed, standstill and direction of rotation in single axis applications and im­plements the following safety functions in compliance with the EN 61800-5-2 stan­dard: SLS, SSM, SS1, SS2, SOS, SDI. IFS-10 connects two incre­mental encoders or a single redundant encoder (for instance the magnetic SGSD) with either sin\/cos or Push-Pull or RS422 interface, but also switches and sensors. They can be freely paired to achieve re­dundancy. The motion controller provides the following safety outputs and program­mable according to needs: 1 sin\/cos splitter output, 1 RS422 splitter output, 1 force guided redundant relay output (NO), 4 HTL inverse redundant control outputs and 1 4-20mA analog output. The set up of all functions and the parame­trization of the input and output features is fast and intuitive by using either the PC software tool via USB (supplied for free) or the optional keyboard. The additional mo­dule is fitted with an OLED display and is even removable and allows for user-frien­dly configuration and comprehensive diagnostic information. Two LEDs for status monitoring and the clip for DIN rail mounting are a further ad­vantage. The enclosure is sound and com­pact (50 mm W x 100 H x 160 D). Because of its great versatility and the bro­ad compatibility IFS-10 is perfect both for installation in modern certified au­tomation systems and for the retrofit of outdated plants and in applications such as the automation of stage machinery, swiveling platforms, cranes, hoists, steel mil­ls, working machines, conveying systems, wind turbines."

