    • PHOTONIS Discrete Dynode Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

      "Photonis manufactures a range of discrete dynode electron multipliers to provide plug‐and‐play replacement modules for ICP‐MS instruments.","Description","Discrete Dynode Electron Multipliers offer continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes.","Our innovative detection technology provides a high mass range with extended lifetime for a reliable, long-lasting detection solution for superior accuracy and reliability, continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes."
    • 清易电子(邯郸) CG-72 电子倍增器

      产品概述 果实生长传感器是一种位移增量传感器,测量原理为利用高精度的位移传感器移动的距离来测量植物果实或植物茎秆的生长变化长度。可记录水果或者植物茎秆整个生长周期的大小变化。可连接传输设备,远程实时查看植物根茎生长数据,可随时随地查看数据。

