The Model DM640 Cap Series is a line of battery powered temperature indicators which accept an RTD or thermocouple input depending on the model. The face of the Cap houses a 4 digit LCD display. The back contains the screw terminal connections, battery, and three push buttons used to program and calibrate the unit.","The sensor type is selected from a simple to use menu system which is navigated by the use of the three push-button keys. The menu also allows the user to select units (°C or °F ), offset temperature, decimal point position, and password protection.
DM640TC CMOS图像传感器技术参数
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规格项 | 参数值 | 勾选搜索替代 |
特 性 | ||
温度计技术 | RTD Technology | |
连 接 & 显 示 | ||
本地接口 | Digital Front Panel | |
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应用 | Industrial | |
更多规格 | ||
数字输出 | Battery Powered; Performs Self-test or Diagnostics | |
显示/刻度特性 | Fahrenheit | |
温标刻度区 | 0.3000 +/-F (0.1667 +/-C) | |
产品类别 | Digital Thermometers | |
范围 | -328 to 3200 F (-200 to 1760 C) |
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