Assisted GPS and Bundling
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Assisted GPS and Bundling
Telit 泰利特
Even under the best circumstances, where initial position and time are known, the broadcast ephemeris download process can take up to 30 seconds, which in turn can mean a Time To First Fix (TTFF) of 30+ seconds. In typical real world environments, where the receiver does not have a clear view of the sky, TTFF can be even longer.
The goal of Assisted GPS (AGPS) feature is to provide the GNSS device with the Ephemeris data required to perform a faster time to navigation. The ephemeris data (often called Ephemeris Predictions, Extended Ephemeris or EE) are stored in a server and are downloaded through different means, such as a cellular internet connection. In this way, the GNSS device is able to provide a navigation fix in just a few seconds compared to cold/warm start conditions that could range from 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the signal environment.
Telit provides Ephemeris Prediction support for all Telit GNSS modules through Telit’s AGPS Servers.
Telit Cellular modules are able to download, store and manage the AGPS files that can be used to improve Telit’s GNSS module TTFF performance.
SE868 V3
Telit Jupiter SGEE 5.0 Evaluation Manual
Telit Jupiter SGEE InstantFix 5.0 Application Note
SGEE Downloader and Embedded CGEE Application Note and SiRF3.0 SW package
Telit SiRFGetEE v5.05 no Win XP
Telit SGEE-EPO Application Note
Telit Jupiter MT33xx Host Flash Application Note
Cellular Bundling
Telit SiRF InstantFix Application Note
Telit SiRF Star IV ROM Patching Application Note
Telit Time & Position Initialization for GNSS Receivers Application Note
Telit GNSS Bundle Solutions Application Note
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