"AS-i master","The SBM includes an AS-i Master, which can be switched off as an option. This permits several SBMs to be operated on an AS-Interface circuit. Configuration is performed with a PC. LEDs signal the state on the device.","OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices) ","Safe inputs","There are four safe inputs to which safety devices without AS-i bus can be directly connected. The inputs can be optionally used as standard inputs\/ monitoring outputs, e.g. for feedback loop or start button.","Logic functions","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates or via logic functions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses. Different programs can be stored on memory cards.","AS-Interface monitor","The monitor controls one AS-i circuit with up to 31 safe slaves and up to 16 OSSDs, of which 2 are built into the device. 14 circuits can be used externally in addition."
- Four safe inputs, two safe semiconductor outputs
- AS-i monitor, master and connection for 24V power supply unit (AS-interface Power 24V) integrated
- Chip card and USB for parameter assignment
- Two OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Device) with semiconductor outputs
- 14 additional safe AS-i outputs can be controlled externally