- One or two AS-i masters
- Display and buttons for diagnostics and
- adjustment
- Memory card for different programs
- Adjustable time-delay
- 16 OSSDs
- Two OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices) with two redundant normally closed contacts each
- Two OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Device) with semiconductor outputs
- 12 additional safe AS-i outputs can be controlled
- 4 inputs, freely selectable
"Gateway to Profibus","For connection to a Profibus DP as a slave and as a master for one or two AS-i buses according to specification 3.0. Detection of earth fault, double addressing and EMC problems. Rapid commissioning with the display without PC. Direct display of faults with plain-text messages. Comprehensive AS-i diagnostics integrated. AS-i configuration software is available.","OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices), AS-i outputs","Inputs","Logic functions ","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates or via logic functions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses. Different programs can be stored on a memory card.","AS-Interface monitor ","The monitor controls two AS-i circuits with up to 62 safe slaves and up to 16 outputs.","Display and buttons","The display is used to operate the gateway func- tionality as well as the monitor at the same time. The diagnostics and maintenance functions are considerably expanded compared to the SFM monitors. They can also be launched on the display without a PC monitor.","Incorporated security functions allow the programmed functionality to be protected and monitored."