"Safeball is a completely new approach to the design of one and two-hand safety devices. Instead of the conventional approach using ordinary push buttons and non-ergonomic protection for unintentional activation, a ‘hands on’ approach has been developed. Safeball consists of a spherical ball containing two embedded push button switches, one on each side of the ball. By using this push button configuration, the risk of unintentional activation is minimized and the device is simple and ergonomic to use.","Safeball can be utilized for either one-hand (one Safeball) or two-hand (two Safeballs) applications. In either application, and in order to meet the required level of safety, the Safeball(s) switches are monitored by specified\/certified Jokab Safety safety relays.","In the case where two-hand control is used, both Safeballs i.e. all four push buttons have to be activated within 0.5 seconds. If one or more push buttons are released, a Stop signal is given to the machine. In order to provide the highest level of safety the Safeball design provides the operator with a dual switching function and short circuit supervision in each hand.","Each Safeball is ergonomically designed and has both its cover and actuator made of environmental friendly polypropylene. The design allows for comfort of use for all hand sizes and operation from numerous gripping positions. Mounting of the Safeball is also very flexible allowing the device to be mounted in the most ergonomic position for the operator.","When can a two-hand or one-hand control be used?","A two-hand control can be used when it is necessary to ensure that the operator is outside and must be prevented from reaching into the hazardous area. If the operator decides, after the start signal has been given to the machine, to make an ‘after grasp’ i.e. try to adjust the part that has been placed into the machine, then a dual stop signal is given to the machine. A one-hand control device can be used when the operator cannot reach the hazardous area with his\/her free hand or on less dangerous machines.","Highest Safety Level","The Safeball is certified by DNV (Inspecta) in Sweden for use as a two-hand control device, when used with a JSBR4 Jokab Safety safety relay or Pluto Safety PLC, in accordance with the highest safety level in standard EN 574 (type IIIc) and EN 954-1\/ISO 13849-1 (safety category 4)."