- 高功率压缩驱动项目优越的声音和音调信号
- 包括一个25,70.7,100V变压器和一个45欧姆抽头
- 将钟的水平定位调整为垂直定位的一步法
- 最大水平模式覆盖的广角声分散
- 高性能的压缩驱动程序提供卓越的语音和音调信号
- 包括一个25,70.7,100v变压器和一个45欧姆抽头
Atlas Sound","APC-30T is a high-power 30 watt loudspeaker with extended low frequency response. Unit is equipped with a wide-angle molded plastic bell for sound directivity. Transformer includes a screwdriver-adjust power selection with a 45 ohm tap for intercom and talk-back use. For mounting, the APC-30T features the Omni-Purpose® bracket for vertical\/horizontal positioning with provisions for surface\/strap mounting to pillars and I-beams. Finished in grey baked epoxy.
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