Maxim Integrated MAX6443-MAX6452 low-current microprocessor reset circuits feature single or dual manual reset inputs with an extended set up period. Because of the extended setup period, short switch closures (nuisance resets) are ignored. On all Maxim Integrated MAX644x and MAX645x microprocessor reset circuits, the reset output asserts when any of the monitored supply voltages drops below its specified threshold. The rest output remains asserted for the reset time period (210ms typ.) after all monitored supplies exceed their reset thresholds. The reset output is one-shot pulse asserted for the reset timeout period (140ms min.) when selected manual reset inputs are held low for an extended setup time period. These Maxim Integrated devices ignore manual reset transitions of less than the extended setup timeout period. The MAX6443-MAX6448 are single fixed-voltage microprocessor supervisors. The MAX6443 / MAX6444 have a single extended manual reset input. The MAX6445 and MAX6446 have two extended manual reset inputs. The MAX6447 / MAX6448 have one extended and one immediate manual reset input. MAX6449-MAX6452 devices have one fixed-threshold microprocessor supervisor and one adjustable-threshold microprocessor supervisor. The MAX6449 and MAX6450 have two delayed manual reset inputs. MAX6451 and MAX6452 devices have one delayed and one immediate manual reset input. Maxim Integrated MAX644x / MAX645x devices are ideal for use in set-top boxes, consumer electronics, DVD players, and more.
MAX6649MUA+T 板上安装温度传感器技术参数
规格项 | 参数值 | 勾选搜索替代 |
更多规格 | ||
RoHS | Y | |
接口类型 | 2-Wire, I2C, SMBus | |
产品 | Sensor with Alert | |
说明 | 板上安装温度传感器 145C SMBus-Comp Remote/Local Sensor | |
最大工作温度 | + 125 C | |
最小工作温度 | - 55 C | |
封装 / 箱体 | UMAX-8 | |
封装 | Reel | |
系列 | MAX6649 | |
商标 | Maxim Integrated | |
安装风格 | SMD/SMT | |
工作电源电流 | 12 uA | |
工厂包装数量 | 2500 | |
电源电压-最大 | 5.5 V | |
电源电压-最小 | 3 V | |
输出类型 | Digital | |
子类别 | Sensors | |
产品类型 | Temperature Sensors | |
分辨率 | 11 bit | |
配置 | Local, Remote |