Improve results when doing surface coating and concrete pouring. Ensure worker and equipment safety by knowing accurate local weather conditions.For years construction professionals have been using Kestrel Meters to monitor the weather on the job site. Now NK has partnered with industry experts to develop a customized Kestrel instrument for construction professionals who place concrete.Features","Calculates Evaporation Rate","The new Kestrel 4300 Construction Weather Tracker measures and displays evaporationrate — a function of relative humidity, temperatureand wind speed. Evaporation rate is a critical environmental indicator that concrete contractors use to ensure they avoid plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete installations especially concrete flatwork. Plastic shrinkage cracks occur when the surface of the concrete dries too quickly and shrinks before the bed has cured enough to resist cracking. This is especially relevant in specialty applications like decorative concrete, Ready Mix Concrete (RCM) and Tilt-up concrete.","Helps Prevent Plastic Shrinkage Cracks","Plastic shrinkage cracks can be prevented by properly assessing the weather and the fresh concrete conditions. Previously, construction contractors used a Kestrel Meter to measure the relevant conditions, then referenced an American Concrete Institute chart to calculate the evaporation rate. The new Kestrel 4300 Construction Weather Tracker does the work for them! The user simply enters the concrete temperature (obtained via an infrared thermometer or probe thermometer*) and the 4300 calculates the evaporation rate instantly. In addition to evaporation rate, the Kestrel 4300 remains the perfect rugged all-purpose construction weather tool, measuring and logging the following relevant weather conditions right where the workers and equipment are operating.","For maximum accuracy when measuring the evaporation rate:","For the best accuracy, use the Kestrel's convenient averaging mode to average the evaporation rate over the recommended 6-10 seconds.","Documents Work Conditions