精准 模糊
  • IES2000 Model DS 消音器

    横截面:Round / Circular
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    横截面:Round / Circular
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model HP 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model HP-MD 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model HP-TL 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model HPA 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model LFA 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model LFB 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model LFC 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model LP-MD 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model NF-SDS20 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model NF-SDS8 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model NFS 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model SDS 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model SP 消音器

    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • IES2000 Model SS 消音器

    横截面:Round / Circular
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
    横截面:Round / Circular
    消音器设计:Other; Sound Attenuator
    特征:Other; Sound Attenuator
    应用产品类型:Vent / Blowdown; Turbine; Engine; Blower / Fan; Compressor
    产品类别:Silencers and Mufflers (Industrial)
  • 斯塔克电子 ST-FX01风向传感器 智能硬件(数据采集器、传感器)

    一、产品简介 ST-FX01风向传感器是用于测量风的水平风向的专业气象仪器。其内部采用霍尔角度传感器,并选用低惯性轻金属风向标响应风向,当风向发生变化,尾翼转动通过轴杆带动轴芯磁铁转动,从而在输出变化的电压信号。可以测量以标签北为起点的0-360度的自然界风向,具有很高的性价比,可广泛用于气象、海洋、环境、机场、港口、实验室、工农业及交通等领域。
  • 斯塔克电子 ST-FX01风向传感器 智能硬件(数据采集器、传感器)

    一、产品简介 ST-FX01风向传感器是用于测量风的水平风向的专业气象仪器。其内部采用霍尔角度传感器,并选用低惯性轻金属风向标响应风向,当风向发生变化,尾翼转动通过轴杆带动轴芯磁铁转动,从而在输出变化的电压信号。可以测量以标签北为起点的0-360度的自然界风向,具有很高的性价比,可广泛用于气象、海洋、环境、机场、港口、实验室、工农业及交通等领域。
  • 东方微电 PNI三轴电子罗盘TCM5 电子罗盘

    东方微电 PNI三轴电子罗盘TCM5 电子罗盘
  • 阳光气象 EC-A1 风向风速仪

  • 南方泰科 智能无线上报数据探测器 智慧消防

    南方泰科 智能无线上报数据探测器 智慧消防