广西壹点电子商务有限公司 成立于2015年,拥有完全自主的工业品进出口权,在德国法兰克福设有子公司(Yatdim GmbH)及采购中心,在深圳设有子公司(深圳壹点电子商务有限公司)及仓储&物流中心。壹点一直专注于为中国客户提供德国、法国和意大利等欧洲国家的液压、气动、工业自动化技术领域的设备、零部件和备件跨境代理采购服务。 我们为客户提供从报价准备、代理采购、国际物流、清关到交货的全供应链服务。无论您是零售商、制造商还是最终用户,我们都能最好地满足您简化采购流程以及显着降低和优化成本的要求。我们的使命是倾听客户的具体需求,并提通过持续的产品创新和卓越的运营来提供高性能服务。我们不仅提供欧洲工业设备、零部件、备件的代采购服务,还提供来自德国、法国、意大利等欧洲国家的工业技术解决方案。
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet Ceilometer CHM 15k „NIMBUS“ 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    工作温度:-40 to 122 F (-40 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    感测气象成分:Measures Total Cloud Cover
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet R2S-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet SHM 30 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 131 F (-40 to 55 C)
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    最大测量高度 :394 inch (10000 mm)
    测量增量 :0.0 to 394 inch (0.0 to 10000 mm)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet V200A-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :6.69 inch (170 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Outputs an analog current signal (i.e., 4-20 mA)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 158 F (-50 to 70 C)
    重量:1.76 lbs (0.7998 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    最小阈值速度 :0.6711 mile/hr (1.08 km/hr)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:2 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure
    风速仪类型:Cup; Vane
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
    Resolution of Motion Detected:0.1000 degrees
    Resolution of Velocity:0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet Ventus-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :6.69 inch (170 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Outputs an analog current signal (i.e., 4-20 mA)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 158 F (-50 to 70 C)
    重量:3.57 lbs (1.62 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    最小阈值速度 :0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
    压力精度:1.5 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:2 +/- F
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure
    风速仪类型:Cup; Vane
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:2 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:2 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
    Resolution of Motion Detected:0.1000 degrees
    Resolution of Velocity:0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet VS20k-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet VS2k-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS200-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :7.64 inch (194 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:1.76 lbs (0.7998 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS300-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :8.78 inch (223 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.2 lbs (0.9998 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS3000-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :18.5 inch (470 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:11.03 lbs (5 kg)
    测量的压力范围:500 to 1100 Millibar (14.77 to 32.48 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.1000 +/- F
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS301-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :10.55 inch (268 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS302-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :9.96 inch (253 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS303-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长精度:1 (+/- %)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS304-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.84 inch (377 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS310-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.07 inch (332 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS3100-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :18.5 inch (470 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:11.03 lbs (5 kg)
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1100 Millibar (8.86 to 32.48 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.1000 +/- F
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS400-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal ;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS401-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.96 inch (380 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Tip Bucket
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS500-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :11.3 inch (287 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.65 lbs (1.2 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS501-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.07 inch (332 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS502-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :12.48 inch (317 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS503-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS504-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.84 inch (377 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:110 to 300 nm (1100 to 3000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS510-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor System
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    工作温度:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.2000 to 0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:285 to 2800 nm (2850 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS600-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.5 inch (343 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
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