:-40 to 320 F (-40 to 160 C) |
:Resistive Temperature Devices (RTD) Elements |
Length:? to 11.81 inch (? to 300 mm) |
Sensor Type:Standard (optional feature); Precision (optional feature) |
Technology:Wire Wound (Platinum) |
Width / Diameter:0.2362 to 0.4724 inch (6 to 12 mm) |
:-40 to 320 F (-40 to 160 C) |
:Resistive Temperature Devices (RTD) Elements |
Length:0.7874 to 118 inch (20 to 3000 mm) |
Sensor Type:Standard (optional feature); Precision (optional feature) |
Technology:Wire Wound (Platinum) |
Width / Diameter:0.2362 to 0.3150 inch (6 to 8 mm) |
:-40 to 320 F (-40 to 160 C) |
:Resistive Temperature Devices (RTD) Elements |
Length:0.7874 to 118 inch (20 to 3000 mm) |
Sensor Type:Standard (optional feature); Precision (optional feature) |
Technology:Wire Wound (Platinum) |
Width / Diameter:0.2362 to 0.3150 inch (6 to 8 mm) |
:-58 to 401 F (-50 to 205 C) |
:Resistive Temperature Devices (RTD) Elements |
Length:? to 0.9843 inch (? to 25 mm) |
Sensor Type:Standard (optional feature); Precision (optional feature) |
Technology:Wire Wound (Platinum) |
Width / Diameter:0.2362 inch (6 mm) |
:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C) |
:Pressure Gauges |
Dial Size:3.94 inch (100 mm) |
Diameter:3.94 inch (100 mm) |
Display:Analog |
Media:Liquid; Gas |
Mount:Flange |
Scale Units:bar |
Sensor Technology:Mechanical Deflection |
Type:Absolute |
Working Pressure Range:5.8 to 363 psi (4.08 to 255 m H2O) |
:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C) |
:Pressure Gauges |
Dial Size:6.3 inch (160 mm) |
Diameter:6.3 inch (160 mm) |
Display:Analog |
Media:Liquid; Gas |
Mount:Flange |
Scale Units:bar |
Sensor Technology:Mechanical Deflection |
Type:Absolute |
Working Pressure Range:0.8702 to 363 psi (0.6124 to 255 m H2O) |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Zero Speed Switches |
DC Voltage Rating:12 volts |
Power Supply:DC |
Operating Range:25 to 20000 rpm |
Technology:Electromechanical |
Number of Relays:3 |
Mounting:Threaded Barrel |
Features:Field Adjustable (optional feature) |
:14 to 140 F (-10 to 60 C) |
:Strain Gauges |
Strain Range:1000 microstrains |
Nominal Resistance:350 |
Construction:Electrical Resistance |
Integral Bridge Circuitry:Quarter-Bridge |
Arrangement:Uniaxial |
Termination Options:Lead Wires |
:23 to 140 F (-5 to 60 C) |
:Strain Gauges |
Arrangement:Uniaxial |
Construction:Electrical Resistance |
Strain Range:1000 microstrains |
Termination Options:Connector |
Integral Bridge Circuitry:Quarter-Bridge |
:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C) |
:Strain Gauges |
Construction:Electrical Resistance |
Arrangement:Uniaxial |
Integral Bridge Circuitry:Full-Bridge |
Termination Options:Connector |
Strain Range:750 microstrains |
Nominal Resistance:350 |
:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C) |
:Strain Gauges |
Construction:Electrical Resistance |
Arrangement:Uniaxial |
Strain Range:750 microstrains |
Termination Options:Connector |
:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C) |
:Strain Gauges |
Strain Range:750 microstrains |
Termination Options:Connector |
Construction:Electrical Resistance |
Arrangement:Uniaxial |
系列:EAL580 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
接口:EtherCAT |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
轴类型:空心 |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
安装类型:Blind Hollow Shaft Flange |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
轴直径:12mm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
最大转数:6000rpm |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
编码器技术:光学 |
轴类型:空心 |
轴直径:12mm |
编码器技术:光学 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
接口:以太网/IP |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
最大转数:6000rpm |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
安装类型:Blind Hollow Shaft Flange |
系列:EAL580 |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
轴直径:12mm |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
编码器技术:光学 |
最大转数:6000rpm |
轴类型:空心 |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
系列:EAL580 |
安装类型:Blind Hollow Shaft Flange |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
接口:EtherCAT |
编码器技术:光学 |
轴类型:连续轴 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
轴直径:10mm |
最大转数:6000rpm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
安装类型:Clamping Flange |
系列:EAL580 |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
轴直径:10mm |
安装类型:Clamping Flange |
接口:以太网/IP |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
编码器技术:光学 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
系列:EAL580 |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
轴类型:连续轴 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
最大转数:6000rpm |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
轴类型:连续轴 |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
编码器技术:光学 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
轴直径:10mm |
系列:EAL580 |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
安装类型:Clamping Flange |
最大转数:6000rpm |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
安装类型:Through Hollow Shaft Flange |
系列:EAL580 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
接口:EtherCAT |
轴直径:12mm |
最大转数:6000rpm |
轴类型:空心 |
编码器技术:光学 |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
系列:EAL580 |
安装类型:Through Hollow Shaft Flange |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
接口:以太网/IP |
编码器技术:光学 |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
轴类型:空心 |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
最大转数:6000rpm |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
轴直径:12mm |
安装类型:Through Hollow Shaft Flange |
编码器技术:光学 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
轴类型:空心 |
总体宽度:58 Dia.mm |
系列:EAL580 |
分辨率:MT16 bit, ST 13 bit |
IP 防护等级:IP65 |
最大转数:6000rpm |
轴直径:12mm |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
连接类型:Flange connector M12 |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
轴直径:12mm |
总体宽度:58mm |
系列:EAM580 |
连接类型:Cable output 2 m |
分辨率:MT 12 bit, ST 13 bit |
编码器技术:磁性 |
接口:SSI 格雷-灰色 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
最大转数:6000rpm |
电源电压:4.5 → 30 V dc |
轴类型:空心 |
安装类型:Blind Hollow Shaft Flange |
IP 防护等级:IP67 |
安装类型:Blind Hollow Shaft Flange |
编码器技术:磁性 |
系列:EAM580 |
轴直径:12mm |
轴类型:空心 |
连接类型:Cable output 2 m |
分辨率:MT 18 bit, ST 14 bit |
最大转数:6000rpm |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
IP 防护等级:IP67 |
接口:CANOpen |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
总体宽度:58mm |
接口:SSI 格雷-灰色 |
安装类型:Clamping Flange |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
分辨率:MT 12 bit, ST 13 bit |
编码器技术:磁性 |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
轴类型:连续轴 |
电源电压:4.5 → 30 V dc |
系列:EAM580 |
轴直径:10mm |
最大转数:6000rpm |
IP 防护等级:IP67 |
连接类型:Cable output 2 m |
总体宽度:58mm |
连接类型:Cable output 2 m |
接口:CANOpen |
电源电压:10 → 30 V dc |
最高工作温度:+85°C |
分辨率:MT 18 bit, ST 14 bit |
编码器技术:磁性 |
最低工作温度:-40°C |
轴类型:连续轴 |
系列:EAM580 |
轴直径:10mm |
总体宽度:58mm |
IP 防护等级:IP67 |
最大转数:6000rpm |
安装类型:Clamping Flange |