:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Magnetic |
Shaft Speed:6000 rpm |
Encoder Output:Pulse & Direction |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Diameter / Width:2.28 inch (58 mm) |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:1 to 32 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Encoder Technology:Magnetic |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Diameter / Width:2.28 inch (58 mm) |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:50 to 1024 (counts/revolution) |
Diameter / Width:2.28 inch (58 mm) |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Counts / Revolution:5 to 100 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Count Rate:60 kHz |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Count Rate:60 kHz |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Counts / Revolution:5 to 100 (counts/revolution) |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:5 to 100 (counts/revolution) |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Count Rate:60 kHz |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Counts / Revolution:5 to 100 (counts/revolution) |
Count Rate:60 kHz |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Shaft Speed:2500 rpm |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Diameter / Width:3.5 inch (89 mm) |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Maximum Shock:100 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:200 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Count Rate:120 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Counts / Revolution:2000 to 10000 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:2000 to 10000 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Counts / Revolution:1024 to 10000 (counts/revolution) |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
:-4 to 158 F (-20 to 70 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:1024 to 10000 (counts/revolution) |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Shaft Speed:7000 rpm |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:2000 to 10000 (counts/revolution) |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Counts / Revolution:1000 to 6000 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Counts / Revolution:1000 to 6000 (counts/revolution) |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Shaft Speed:12000 rpm |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Counts / Revolution:1000 to 6000 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Counts / Revolution:1000 to 6000 (counts/revolution) |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Diameter / Width:3.23 inch (82 mm) |
Count Rate:300 kHz |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave |
:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Shaft Speed:8000 rpm |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Output Signal:Square Wave; Sin/Cos |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Counts / Revolution:1024 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Count Rate:180 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Shaft Speed:2500 rpm |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Diameter / Width:3.5 inch (89 mm) |
Counts / Revolution:1024 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |
Count Rate:180 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Output Signal:Square Wave; Sin/Cos |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C) |
:Rotary Encoders |
Maximum Shock:30 g |
Diameter / Width:3.15 inch (80 mm) |
Features:Hollow Shaft |
Output Signal:Square Wave; Sin/Cos |
Encoder Technology:Optical |
Shaft Speed:5000 rpm |
Count Rate:180 kHz |
Encoder Output:Quadrature; Pulse & Direction; Index |
Maximum Vibration:10 g |
Encoder Type:Incremental |
Counts / Revolution:1024 to 2048 (counts/revolution) |