欧戟工业控制设备(上海)有限公司是国内领先的备件服务供应商。迄今为止,公司已经为超过500家来自汽车,钢铁,化工,食品,冶金,能源等各行业的客户提供过备件采购服务。国外采购代理公司位于德国法兰克福,可以直接与德国,意大利,法国,瑞士等千余家欧盟厂家进行高效快捷的沟通,合作。欧戟的承诺1. 我们坚持产品原装进口,订单可提供厂家出具的发货单,海关出具的报关单,德国商会出具的原产地证明,2. 我们坚持报价都直接来自欧盟厂家,杜绝国内代理商的层层利润,真正做到源头采购,节省采购成本。3. 德国代理公司作为专业的工控采购采购商,可以高效的完成德国境内的物流与德国海关的报关工作,保障我们每周都可以安排从法兰克福到中国的航班。4. 我们坚持高效的报价服务,所有的询价都会直接发给国外厂家,绝无任何滞留拖延。一支优秀的销售工程师团队,有时为您提供专业高效的服务。欧戟的优势:1. 源头采购 : 以德国代理公司的名义,直接从生产厂家源头采购并享受德国本国企业的价格折扣2. 物流成本低 : 德国代理公司作为专业的工控采购采购商,享受低国际物流成本,集中采购,拼单发货,统一清关。3. 货期保障 : 我司平均每周都会有航班到上海清关,货物全程保险4. 拼单采购 : 拼单模式,不限订单金额和数量,降低采购费用。
  • ABB JOKAB SAFETY 佳可宝 Quick-Guard® Safety Fencing System 周界围栏

    "Quick-Guard® Modular Panels are available in two versions: Quick-Guard S, and Quick-Guard E. The two versions can be used individually or combined if desired. The fencing systems are also easy to adjust when production equipment is modified and\/or moved. Quick-Guard E is engineered to be installed quickly and cost effectively, because it consists of a minimum of components that include aluminum profile fence posts with floor brackets, patented net-locks, fastening brackets, u-profiles and welded mesh or polycarbonate panels. All parts for Quick-Guard® and pre-assembled doors are delivered immediately from stock. The few components of the fencing system make it easy for you to custom build and install the fencing system onsite at your facility.","The strength of the fencing system comes from the fact that the welded mesh and\/or panels of polycarbonate are locked into the profile. The outer wire of the mesh is locked in profile fence posts by uniquely designed netlocks, making the panel virtually as strong as being welded. The polycarbonate panels are locked in with specially designed infill-locks which, according to our tests, have been as strong as the mesh net-lock system. If you want additional strength, you can choose a sturdier profile measuring 44 x 88 mm instead of the standard 44 x 44 mm profile.","Combining Quick-Guard E and Quick-Guard S is easy to do and enables you to make the system work for your application. Each of the panels and posts use standard ABB JOKAB SAFETY hardware, and will fit together seamlessly. Further customize your safety fence by adding standard ABB JOKAB SAFETY accessories from the catalog - all of the parts will work together with ease. Quick-Guard Modular Safety fencing panels reduce high labor and engineering costs because the panels are already designed and come partially assembled with all of the necessary fittings. Mesh can easily be cut down with bolt cutters to fit your application, or as production equipment is modified or moved. Quick-Guard® is environmentally friendly. All components in the fencing system can easily be disassembled and reused. All materials in the Fencing System are 100% recyclable."

