上海胤旭机电设备股份有限公司 (ShangHai YinXu Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.)成立于2011年,初期以进口贸易为主,产品为欧美高端机电设备及备件,服务于国内制造业。公司于2016年开始转型,转向科技型公司,提供服务于用户(技术改造及产品升级替代),到2018年、2019年此类业务已占公司的60%以上,技术服务和产品升级替换以后将为公司的主营业务;服务的用户为制造业企业和科研院校。公司研发的技术型产品主要以两大类,一是:液压类产品;二是仪表类(基于传感器技术的流量、压力、温度仪表等)产品集中于:技术含量高,升级潜力大,对产品质量和生产效率有直接影响的(如:传感器、控制仪表、自动化代替人工等)由于此类产品技术含量较高,高端产品(国内做中低端)大部分依赖进口欧美产品(德国为主)来解决,多年引进下来,现在遇到很多新问题:一是大多产品使用年限到后,需要更换,而很多国外厂家产品已升级替换,需要重新选型,完成安全对接;二是随着国内产品近些年的进步,可以替换进口产品,大大降低用户成本,但需要了解技术细节,完成安全过渡。公司转型做技术服务以后,原有的贸易业务转以自主开发的互联网平台-我的备件网(www.91beijian.com),主要用于欧美进口备件的网络平台,产品涉及6大类:1液压、气动;2检测、分析;3电子、电力;4动力、传动;5机床、工具;6机器、设备。商务平台提供2万个国际知名品牌的搜索、查询,同时提供100多个品牌产品的在线选型。产品广泛应用于冶金、钢铁、石化、能源、航天、集装箱码头、汽车、水利、造纸、电厂、纺织、注塑、橡胶、医疗、食品包装等领域。平台2017年1月上线,现有注册用户8000多家,注册供应商500多家。
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.ER-GW1B.72N O300.TR-ZZZZ.72N 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:4-Pin M8 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:O300.ER-GW1B.72N O300.TR-ZZZZ.72N
    Operation Distance:394 to 591 inch (10000 to 15000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.GP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:0.5079 inch (12.9 mm)
    Length:1.27 inch (32.3 mm)
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 7.87 inch (30 to 200 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9055 inch (23 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.GR 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:0.5079 inch (12.9 mm)
    Length:1.27 inch (32.3 mm)
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 11.81 inch (30 to 300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9055 inch (23 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.RP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:0.5079 inch (12.9 mm)
    Length:1.27 inch (32.3 mm)
    Operation Distance:197 inch (5000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9055 inch (23 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.RR 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:0.5079 inch (12.9 mm)
    Length:1.27 inch (32.3 mm)
    Operation Distance:157 inch (4000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9055 inch (23 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.SP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:0.5079 inch (12.9 mm)
    Length:1.27 inch (32.3 mm)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9055 inch (23 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O300.SP-GW1B.72N 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:4-Pin M8 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:O300.SP-GW1B.72N
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 11.81 inch (30 to 300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 O500.GP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector M12 4 Pin
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:1.26 inch (32 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 15.75 inch (30 to 400 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O500.GR 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector M12 3 Pin
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:1.26 inch (32 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 21.65 inch (30 to 550 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O500.RP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector M12 4 Pin
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:1.26 inch (32 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:295 inch (7500 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O500.RR 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector M12 3 Pin
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:1.26 inch (32 mm)
    Mode:Light-on (optional feature); Dark-on (optional feature)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:295 inch (7500 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 O500.SP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector M12 4 Pin
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:1.26 inch (32 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:23.62 inch (600 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADK 25 (Laser) 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Height:2.48 inch (63 mm)
    Length:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 to 39.37 inch (100 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.9213 inch (23.4 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 12 (Laser) 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Electrical Output:Current
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Length:1.36 inch (34.5 mm)
    Width:0.4882 inch (12.4 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Height:1.46 inch (37 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 13 (Laser, Current Output) 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Electrical Output:Current
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Height:1.9 inch (48.2 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Length:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    Width:0.5276 inch (13.4 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 13 (Laser, RS232 Interface) 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Length:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    Width:0.5276 inch (13.4 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Height:1.9 inch (48.2 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:Connector
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 13 (Laser, RS485 Interface) 光电传感器及开关

    Height:1.9 inch (48.2 mm)
    Length:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    Width:0.5276 inch (13.4 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 13 (Laser, Voltage Output) 光电传感器及开关

    Length:1.57 inch (40 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Height:1.9 inch (48.2 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Width:0.5276 inch (13.4 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20 (Laser, Fixed Sensing Range, < 250 mm) 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Electrical Output:Voltage; Current (optional feature)
    Height:2.56 inch (65 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Width:0.8110 inch (20.6 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20 (Laser, RS485 Interface, > 250 mm) 光电传感器及开关

    Width:0.8110 inch (20.6 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:Connector
    Body Shape:Cylindrical
    Height:2.56 inch (65 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20I5440/S14C 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:5-Pin M12 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:OADM 20I5440/S14C
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 1.97 inch (30 to 50 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20I5460/S14C 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:5-Pin M12 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:OADM 20I5460/S14C
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 5.12 inch (30 to 130 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20I6441/S14F 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:8-Pin M12 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:OADM 20I6441/S14F
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 2.76 inch (30 to 70 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20I6460/S14F 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:8-Pin M12 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:OADM 20I6460/S14F
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 5.12 inch (30 to 130 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • Baumer 堡盟 OADM 20U5440/S14C 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:5-Pin M12 Connector
    Manufacturer:Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
    Manufacturer Part Number:OADM 20U5440/S14C
    Operation Distance:1.18 to 1.97 inch (30 to 50 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
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