深圳市诗拓浦仪器仪表有限公司 成立于2015年,是一家专业销售传感器(称重测力传感器,控制仪表,手持式推拉力计,扭力计,传感器应变片等),静电测试仪,盾构机配件,显示仪表,进口仪器及电子原件的综合型贸易公司,主要客户群体:大中院校,科研机构,加工工厂,海陆空运输机构,盾构单位。致力于作好各大型企业的第二仓库的原则,并分别在大阪,西雅图,柏林设有办事处,拥有良好、快捷的供货渠道,及为各类电子加工企业提供一系列产品服务和技术咨询。
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 703 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 703+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 704 声级计和噪声剂量计

    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    特征 :Data Storage
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 705 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 705+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 706 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 706RC 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 720 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 812 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 820 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol Model 831 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis (optional feature)
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ISO 3382-2 and ASTM E2235
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol SoundExpert™ LxT 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol SoundTrack LxT® 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics / Amphenol System 824 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters

