City Fire Equipment Company
城市消防设备公司是新泽西州首屈一指的消防公司,与消防和商业界合作超过50年。 我们的服务包括: 所有消防安全设备的设计、安装和服务/维护 检查和测试,以确保持续遵守当地、州和联邦消防安全规范 教育培训 我们在消防安全和保护的所有领域都获得了完全的许可,是新泽西州仅有的30家获得完全许可的消防公司之一。持续的教育,包括每周对员工的培训,确保我们的员工仍然是最新消防安全规范和实践的专家。 我们与消防界合作,扩大他们的影响范围,与整个三国地区的监管当局法规密切合作。我们为消防官员和检查员以及建筑设施管理人员和工程师提供消防安全研讨会,使他们能够跟上法规和技术的发展。 我们与商业界合作,包括办公楼和零售业务、公寓和联排别墅/公寓协会、餐厅和学区/市政府,将我们的消防安全知识带到他们的运营中,帮助他们实现并保持法规遵从性。我们对影响各种类型和规模的企业和政府机构的地方、州和国家消防法规非常了解,每年有6000多家物业选择城市消防设备公司提供消防服务。 我们提供24/7服务,及时和专业的行为和遵守最高标准。我们所做的每件事都是由准则驱动的……消防安全准则和我们自己的商业行为准则。  
  • City Fire Equipment Company Model HL22 (SIN R7711) 消防喷头

    HL22特殊应用早期灭火快速响应(ESFR)洒水器旨在应对严重的火灾挑战。该洒水器设计用于快速响应不断增长的火灾,在较低的压力下抑制而不是控制火灾,无需在48英尺(14.6米)的天花板高度、43英尺(13.1米)的储存空间内使用K14或K17ESFR喷枪采用HLA可熔合金连接212°F(100°C)温度额定值。喷水器的标称K系数为22.4(320公制),在55 psi(3.8 bar)下可输送约166 gpm(632 L\/min)的水。导流板和框架提供了一个宽大、非常对称的半球形图案,能够在高储存高度区域抑制洒水器之间的火灾,同时保持良好的中心核心分布,以穿透和抑制直接发生在洒水器下方的火灾。
  • City Fire Equipment Company Fire Sprinklers 消防喷头

    Wet Pipe Sprinklers Wet Pipe sprinklers are the most common type of fire sprinkler systems and the most reliable, with the only operating components being the automatic sprinklers and, in some instances, the automatic alarm check valve. An automatic water supply provides water under pressure to the system piping and all the piping is filled with water. When an automatic sprinkler is exposed to sufficient heat, the heat-sensitive element (glass bulb or fusible link) releases water from that sprinkler. Wet pipe sprinklers react to a specific range of temperatures.","Dry Pipe Systems Dry Pipe systems are used only in spaces in which the ambient temperature may be cold enough to freeze the water in a wet pipe system, such as unheated buildings, parking garages, outside canopies attached to heated buildings and refrigerated coolers. Dry pipe systems are the second most common fire sprinkler. Disadvantages include increased complexity, higher installation and maintenance costs, increased fire response time and increased corrosion.","Deluge Systems Deluge systems are systems that have open sprinklers – the heat-sensing operating element is removed or specifically designed to be open so that all sprinklers connected to the water piping system are open. Deluge systems are used for special hazards where rapid fire spread is a concern, as they provide a simultaneous application of water over the entire hazard, and are commonly seen as preventive measures to prevent egress of fire from an external source, such as high-rise windows, warehouse bay entries and openings in a fire-rated wall. Water is not present in the piping until the system operates.","Pre-Action Systems Pre-Action systems are hybrids of wet, dry and deluge systems, depending on requirements. There are two main sub-types of pre-action systems: single interlock and double interlock. Single interlock systems are similar to dry systems except that they require a preceding fire detection event, typically the activation of a heat or smoke detector. Double interlock systems are similar to deluge systems except that automatic sprinklers are used. Pre-action sprinkler systems are commonly used in museums with rare works or art, manuscripts or books, and data centers.

