Hydro Tech 上海瀚茁
瀚茁(上海)智能设备有限公司(Hydro Tech)专业从事,领先的流体测控系统的设计、研发、制造以及完整系统解决方案和定制化工程服务。数十年的专业领域工程应用经验,让我们掌握了丰富的知识,可为当前最复杂、最重要的流体测控应用领域,量身打造解决方案。作为耐压试验系统、PVT(压力/振动/温度)测试台架、压力脉冲疲劳测试系统、流体增压控制系统的高新技术企业,服务于汽车制造,航空航天,船舶重工,能源开发,国防装备和科研院所等应用领域。Hydro Tech is committed to designing and manufacturing advanced hydraulic measurement & control equipment and test bench for industrial parts with the capability of offering total solution.As a professional supplier of Burst and PVT test bench and Pressure Pulse test bench, Hydro Tech provides services for scientific research institutes and many professional fields including automotive parts, aerospace, shipbuilding, railway and military defense.主要产品测试台架气压脉冲测试台  液压脉冲疲劳测试台水压疲劳测试系统 PVT 测试台 PVT高频压力交变试验台流量测试台高低温爆破实验机超高压爆破试验台高温耐压爆破台 动力单元气体增压动力单元高温高压模拟试验系统400MPa 超高压变频电动液压动力单元标准产品传感器气驱增压泵超高压管阀件
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-120M 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量 :5.51E-7 to 4.13E-5 lbs/min (1.50E-8 to 1.12E-6 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    气体体积流量 :7.06E-6 to 5.30E-4 SCFM (1.20E-5 to 9.00E-4 m³/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-121M 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0106 to 0.5296 SCFM (0.0180 to 0.9003 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    安装 :In-line
    质量流量 :8.26E-4 to 0.0413 lbs/min (2.25E-5 to 0.0011 metric tons/hr)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-122M 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0071 to 8.83 SCFM (0.0120 to 15 m³/hr)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :5.51E-4 to 0.6883 lbs/min (1.50E-5 to 0.0187 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-123M 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    质量流量 :0.0138 to 3.44 lbs/min (3.75E-4 to 0.0936 metric tons/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    安装 :In-line
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.1766 to 44.14 SCFM (0.3001 to 75.02 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-130M 气体流量计

    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :7.06E-6 to 5.30E-4 SCFM (1.20E-5 to 9.00E-4 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    安装 :In-line
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :5.51E-7 to 4.13E-5 lbs/min (1.50E-8 to 1.12E-6 metric tons/hr)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-131M 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量 :8.26E-4 to 0.0413 lbs/min (2.25E-5 to 0.0011 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量 :0.0106 to 0.5296 SCFM (0.0180 to 0.9003 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-132M 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0071 to 8.83 SCFM (0.0120 to 15 m³/hr)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量 :5.51E-4 to 0.6883 lbs/min (1.50E-5 to 0.0187 metric tons/hr)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-133M 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.1766 to 44.14 SCFM (0.3001 to 75.02 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    安装 :In-line
    质量流量 :0.0138 to 3.44 lbs/min (3.75E-4 to 0.0936 metric tons/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-220M 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    安装 :In-line
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量 :5.51E-7 to 4.13E-5 lbs/min (1.50E-8 to 1.12E-6 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量 :7.06E-6 to 5.30E-4 SCFM (1.20E-5 to 9.00E-4 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-221M 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    气体体积流量 :1.06E-5 to 0.7062 SCFM (1.80E-5 to 1.2 m³/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量 :8.26E-7 to 0.0551 lbs/min (2.25E-8 to 0.0015 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-221MI 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    气体体积流量 :1.06E-5 to 0.7062 SCFM (1.80E-5 to 1.2 m³/hr)
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :8.26E-7 to 0.0551 lbs/min (2.25E-8 to 0.0015 metric tons/hr)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-230M 气体流量计

    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    安装 :In-line
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :7.06E-6 to 0.0177 SCFM (1.20E-5 to 0.0300 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    质量流量 :5.51E-7 to 0.0014 lbs/min (1.50E-8 to 3.75E-5 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-231M 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    安装 :In-line
    质量流量 :1.65E-5 to 0.0275 lbs/min (4.49E-7 to 7.49E-4 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量 :2.12E-4 to 0.3531 SCFM (3.60E-4 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 EL-FLOW F-232M 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :3.85E-4 to 0.2753 lbs/min (1.05E-5 to 0.0075 metric tons/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    特征 :Controller; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0049 to 3.53 SCFM (0.0084 to 6 m³/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :0.0 to 5802 psi (0.0 to 4083 m H2O)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 FG-110C 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Frequency; Switch; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    管道直径 :0.12 inch (3.17 mm)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :1450 psi (1021 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    审核认证:CE: EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 FG-110CP 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Frequency; Switch; Voltage
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :1450 psi (1021 m H2O)
    管道直径 :0.12 inch (3.17 mm)
    安装 :In-line
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    审核认证:CE: EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 FG-111AC 气体流量计

    管道直径 :0.25 inch (6.35 mm)
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Analog Current; Frequency; Switch; Voltage
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作压力 :1450 psi (1021 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    审核认证:CE: EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 FG-111B 气体流量计

    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :1450 psi (1021 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Frequency; Switch; Voltage
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    管道直径 :0.25 inch (6.35 mm)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    审核认证:CE: EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 FG-111BP 气体流量计

    管道直径 :0.25 inch (6.35 mm)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Analog Current; Frequency; Switch; Voltage
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作压力 :1450 psi (1021 m H2O)
    工作温度:14 to 158 F (-10 to 70 C)
    审核认证:CE: EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-120MI 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :7.06E-6 to 5.30E-4 SCFM (1.20E-5 to 9.00E-4 m³/hr)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :5.51E-7 to 4.13E-5 lbs/min (1.50E-8 to 1.12E-6 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-121MI 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量 :8.26E-4 to 0.0413 lbs/min (2.25E-5 to 0.0011 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量 :0.0106 to 0.5296 SCFM (0.0180 to 0.9003 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-122MI 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    气体体积流量 :0.0071 to 8.83 SCFM (0.0120 to 15 m³/hr)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量 :5.51E-4 to 0.6883 lbs/min (1.50E-5 to 0.0187 metric tons/hr)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-123MI 气体流量计

    气体体积流量 :0.1766 to 44.14 SCFM (0.3001 to 75.02 m³/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :0.0138 to 3.44 lbs/min (3.75E-4 to 0.0936 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    安装 :In-line
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-126AI 气体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    质量流量 :0.0138 to 9.18 lbs/min (3.75E-4 to 0.2497 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.1764 to 118 SCFM (0.2998 to 200 m³/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 IN-FLOW F-126BI 气体流量计

    气体体积流量 :2.35 to 294 SCFM (4 to 500 m³/hr)
    特征 :Controller (optional feature); Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量 :0.1835 to 22.94 lbs/min (0.0050 to 0.6243 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
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