Hach 公司成立于 1947 年,现隶属于美国丹纳赫集团。丹纳赫集团是全球科学和技术的创新者,拥有众多专 业品牌,致力于帮助客户在全球各地应对复杂的挑战和改 善生活品质。丹纳赫水平台是其战略平台之一,由哈希 (Hach), 特洁安 (Trojan), OTT/Hydromet,海鸟 (Sea- Bird) 和 XOS 及其他若干专业的水质分析和水处理、水文 水利及气象环境监测、金属及元素检测解决方案提供商构 成,共同致力于提供保障水质安全的全面解决方案。丹纳 赫全球员工超过 59,000 名,多样化团队遵循独特的企业 文化 - 丹纳赫商业系统( DBS ),该体系引领企业始终 在日益激烈的商业竞争中处于优势地位。在 2020 年《财 富》“美国 500 强公司”排名榜中,丹纳赫位列 161 名; 以 10550 亿元人民币市值位列“2020 胡润世界 500 强” 榜单第 64 位。作为水质、水文监测仪器的专业科技企业,哈希公 司产品被全球用户广泛应用于饮用水、地下水、地表水、 市政污水、工业污水、半导体超纯水、制药 / 电力及其它 工业净水等领域,其全线产品系列涵盖实验室定性 / 定量 分析、现场分析、流动分析测试、在线分析测试。产品具 有测量精确、运行可靠、操作简单、低维护量,结构紧凑 等特点。我们的目标是继续为广大用户提供可靠的仪器、完 备的预制试剂、准确多样的测试方法、简单的操作步骤和 优质的客户服务,不断地提高产品的质量以满足客户需求 不断变化的需要。Hach 中国已在全国设有 50 余个售后服务网点,1 个 大型维修服务中心和遍布全国主要城市的 100 余名技术 专业、经验丰富的售后服务工程师。同时利用全面、先进 的检测工具,依托高效的专家系统,秉承客户至上的服务 理念,为中国广大用户提供方便、周到、高效的服务。中国业务哈希水质分析仪器(上海)有限公司
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet Ceilometer CHM 15k „NIMBUS“ 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    工作温度:-40 to 122 F (-40 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    感测气象成分:Measures Total Cloud Cover
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet R2S-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet SHM 30 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 131 F (-40 to 55 C)
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    最大测量高度 :394 inch (10000 mm)
    测量增量 :0.0 to 394 inch (0.0 to 10000 mm)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet V200A-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :6.69 inch (170 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Outputs an analog current signal (i.e., 4-20 mA)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 158 F (-50 to 70 C)
    重量:1.76 lbs (0.7998 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    最小阈值速度 :0.6711 mile/hr (1.08 km/hr)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:2 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure
    风速仪类型:Cup; Vane
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
    Resolution of Motion Detected:0.1000 degrees
    Resolution of Velocity:0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet Ventus-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :6.69 inch (170 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Outputs an analog current signal (i.e., 4-20 mA)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 158 F (-50 to 70 C)
    重量:3.57 lbs (1.62 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    最小阈值速度 :0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
    压力精度:1.5 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:2 +/- F
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure
    风速仪类型:Cup; Vane
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:2 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:2 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
    Resolution of Motion Detected:0.1000 degrees
    Resolution of Velocity:0.2237 mile/hr (0.3600 km/hr)
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet VS20k-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet VS2k-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS200-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :7.64 inch (194 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:1.76 lbs (0.7998 kg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS300-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :8.78 inch (223 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.2 lbs (0.9998 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS3000-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :18.5 inch (470 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:11.03 lbs (5 kg)
    测量的压力范围:500 to 1100 Millibar (14.77 to 32.48 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.1000 +/- F
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS301-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :10.55 inch (268 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS302-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :9.96 inch (253 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS303-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长精度:1 (+/- %)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS304-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.84 inch (377 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS310-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.07 inch (332 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS3100-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :18.5 inch (470 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    重量:11.03 lbs (5 kg)
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1100 Millibar (8.86 to 32.48 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.1000 +/- F
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS400-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal ;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS401-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.96 inch (380 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Tip Bucket
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    感测气象成分:Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS500-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :11.3 inch (287 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:2.65 lbs (1.2 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS501-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.07 inch (332 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS502-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :12.48 inch (317 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 1100 nm (3000 to 11000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS503-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:300 to 2800 nm (3000 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS504-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :14.84 inch (377 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:110 to 300 nm (1100 to 3000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS510-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor System
    高度 :15.43 inch (392 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    工作温度:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    温度精度:0.2000 to 0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    波长范围:285 to 2800 nm (2850 to 28000 Å)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures solar Radiation; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:3 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
  • Lufft / OTT HydroMet WS600-UMB 气象仪器

    产品形式:Sensor Only
    高度 :13.5 inch (343 mm)
    接口选项 :Digital Serial;Serial Interface
    安装类型 :Pole-mounted
    工作温度:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    输出选项 :Outputs an analog voltage signal;Other
    温度测量范围:-58 to 140 F (-50 to 60 C)
    重量:3.31 lbs (1.5 kg)
    特征 :Electrical Heater (For winter environments)
    湿度精度:2 +/- %
    测得的湿度范围 :0.0 to 100 (%)
    压力精度:0.5000 +/- Millibars
    测量的压力范围:300 to 1200 Millibar (8.86 to 35.44 in Hg)
    产品类别 :Weather Instruments
    雨/雪收集器类型 :Other Rain
    温度精度:0.5000 +/- F
    测温类型:Other Temp
    速度范围:0.0 to 168 mile/hr (0.0 to 270 km/hr)
    感测气象成分:Senses Wind Speed; Senses Wind Direction; Measures Rain/Snow Fall; Measures Temperature; Measures Barometric Pressure; Measures % Relative Humidity
    风速仪类型:Other Wind
    Accuracy of Motion Reported:3 +/- deg
    Accuracy of Velocity:5 +/- %
    Range of Motion Measured:0.0 to 360 degrees
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