上海征浦自动化科技有限公司 注册地址位于上海市嘉定区真新街道金沙江路3131号5幢JT458室,注册机关为嘉定区市场监督管理局,法人代表为张杨峰,经营范围包括在自动化科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术服务;电器机械及器材、五金交电、电子计算机及配件、通讯器材、仪器仪表、电动工具、办公用品、建筑工程机械及配件、电线电缆、阀门、泵、高低压开关柜、电子产品销售和批发;工业自动化系统装置研发;仪器仪表设备安装(除特种设备);从事货物与技术的进出口业务。
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM52060 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:5 inch (127 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM52090 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:5 inch (127 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:9 inch (229 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM52120 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:5 inch (127 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:12 inch (305 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM60025 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM60040 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:4 inch (102 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM60060 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM60090 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:9 inch (229 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM60120 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:12 inch (305 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM61025 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM61040 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:4 inch (102 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM61060 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM61090 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:9 inch (229 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM61120 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:12 inch (305 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM62025 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM62040 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:4 inch (102 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM62060 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM62090 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:9 inch (229 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBM62120 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:6 inch (152 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Designed for use with Thermowell; Flange fitting (optional feature)
    长度:12 inch (305 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit (optional feature); Celsius/Centigrade (optional feature)
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-70 to 540 C (-94 to 1004 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBT160 指针式测温仪

    直径:3.5 inch (88.9 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Pocket; Designed for use with Thermowell
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 121 C (32 to 250 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBT161 指针式测温仪

    直径:3.5 inch (88.9 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Pocket; Designed for use with Thermowell
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 120 F (-17.78 to 48.89 C)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TBT165 指针式测温仪

    直径:3.5 inch (88.9 mm)
    特性:NPT fitting; Pocket; Designed for use with Thermowell
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 121 C (32 to 250 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TCT166 指针式测温仪

    应用:HVAC; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-40 to 40 C (-40 to 104 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TCT167 指针式测温仪

    应用:HVAC; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 115 C (32 to 239 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 TCT168 指针式测温仪

    应用:HVAC; Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    直径:2.5 inch (63.5 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 200 C (32 to 392 F)
  • Winters Instruments 文特斯 THR Series HVAC Remote Reading Thermometer 指针式测温仪

    应用:Food service/Sanitary; HVAC; Industrial
    长度:2.07 inch (52.58 mm)
    显示/刻度特性:Fahrenheit; Celsius/Centigrade
    产品类别:Dial Thermometers
    范围:-40 to 15 C (-40 to 59 F)
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