泉州浩钏贸易有限公司 注册地址位于福建省泉州市鲤城区迎宾大道636号二楼208,注册机关为泉州市鲤城区市场监督管理局,法人代表为林连城,经营范围包括一般项目:机械零件、零部件销售;机械设备销售;五金产品批发;液压动力机械及元件销售;泵及真空设备销售;电子产品销售;汽车零配件零售;润滑油销售;建筑装饰、水暖管道零件及其他建筑用金属制品制造;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);电力电子元器件制造。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:电线、电缆制造。
  • NOSHOK 100 Series Current Output Transmitter 压力变送器

    介质:Liquid; Gas
    输出信号:Analog Current
    传感技术:Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    真空度范围:776484 to 1522 torr (-30540 to -30 in Hg vac)
    冲击:1000 g
    振动:30 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • NOSHOK 11 Series Tri-Clamp Mounting Transmitter 压力变送器

    工作温度:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    传感技术:Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Gauge; Vacuum
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:21446 to 1522 torr (-814 to -30 in Hg vac)
  • NOSHOK 210-42 压力变送器

    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    传感技术:Thin Film
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 15000 psi (0.0 to 10557 m H2O)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • NOSHOK 621 Series Explosion-Proof Transmitter 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 15000 psi (-10.37 to 10557 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    冲击:1000 g
    振动:20 g
    真空度范围:776484 to 1522 torr (-30540 to -30 in Hg vac)
  • NOSHOK 622 Series Explosion-Proof Transmitter 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 8000 psi (-10.37 to 5630 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    振动:20 g
    冲击:1000 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:776484 to 1522 torr (-30540 to -30 in Hg vac)
  • NOSHOK 623 Series Non-Incentive Transmitter 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 15000 psi (-10.37 to 10557 m H2O)
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:776484 to 1522 torr (-30540 to -30 in Hg vac)
    冲击:1000 g
    振动:20 g
  • NOSHOK 624 Series Non-Incentive Transmitter 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 8000 psi (-10.37 to 5630 m H2O)
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    真空度范围:776484 to 1522 torr (-30540 to -30 in Hg vac)
    冲击:1000 g
    振动:20 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • NOSHOK 625 Series Intrinsic Safe Transmitter 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 60000 psi (-10.37 to 42227 m H2O)
    特征:Intrinsically Safe
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    振动:20 g
    冲击:1000 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:2.07E6 to 1522 torr (-81441 to -30 in Hg vac)
  • NOSHOK 626 Series Intrinsic Safe Transmitter 压力变送器

    介质:Liquid; Gas; Handles Hazardous Materials
    工作温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    特征:Intrinsically Safe
    输出信号:Analog Voltage (optional feature); Analog Current (optional feature)
    传感技术:Strain Gauge; Thin Film
    测量压力类型:Absolute (optional feature); Gauge (optional feature); Compound (optional feature); Vacuum (optional feature)
    工作压力范围:-14.74 to 8000 psi (-10.37 to 5630 m H2O)
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    冲击:1000 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:2.07E6 to 1522 torr (-81441 to -30 in Hg vac)
    振动:20 g

