Guangke 光科测控
河北光科测控设备有限公司 成立于2009年,注册资金5500万,公司坐落在河北邯郸,占地面积70余亩,已通过ISO9001-2018质量管理体系、 ISO14001-2018环境管理体系、ISO18001-2018职业健康安全管理体系三体系认证。河北光科是中国仪器仪表行业协会会员单位。公司主营产品:伺服液位计、磁致伸缩液位计、雷达液位计、磁翻板液位计、磁敏液位计、激光物位计、超声波液位计、外贴式液位计、电浮筒液位计、投入式液位计、超声波外贴开关、音叉液位开关、射频导纳物位控制器、 罐旁显示仪、内浮顶、采样器等。在近二十年的发展历程中,河北光科形成了以研发制造安装维保为一体的工业自动化设备生产企业, 公司致力于打造:液位仪表、温度仪表等工业仪表。河北光科产品应用于石油、化工、食品、水处理等领域,公司自创建以来,始终坚持“质量为先诚信为本”的生产经营理念,积极研发新的产品,不断引进国内外技术经验,使产品的质量、工艺、技术逐年提升,河北光科是中石油、中石化、中国化工集团供应商,并建立了长期的合作关系,同时他们也对河北光科产品给予了充分认可。截至目前,河北光科的客户已经分布黑龙江、辽宁、山东、河北、北京,江苏、上海等20余省份。主要产品液位仪表伺服液位计,磁致伸缩液位计,雷达液位计,磁翻板液位计,磁敏液位计,激光物位计,超声波液位计,油水界面仪,外贴式液位计,电浮筒液位计,投入式液位计,超声波外贴开关,音叉开关,射频导纳物位控制器,罐旁显示仪温度仪表热电偶,热电阻,双金属温度计,多点温度计PLC/DCS系统内浮顶代理产品西门子自动化,科隆克罗尼,川仪,横河,艾默生,E+H仪表维保随着企业市场竞争日益激烈,企业专业对口技术人员显得尤为突出,专业人员配备也是至关重要,企业的专业仪器仪表设备采购设备维修维护、培训使用、用工劳动保障等不断的攀升企业的运行成本。就自动化仪表维修保运专业设备昂贵,操作复杂致使企业成本不断升高。转移给第三方专业公司维修保运可以省去管理诸多的管理用工采购工具的成本。河北光科测控设备有限公司仪表保运部是专业生产制造、维修调试、安装维护的自动仪表设备公司。专业人员及工具配备至甲方工厂免去甲方购买与人员培训成本;专业的人员驻厂式维保工作,随叫随到式工作方式0延时;专业的人员单次维修或调试,随叫随到式服务;专业团队组成的维修保运团队,随时可以进入工厂工作专业有保障;专业提供团队式化工自动化项目抢修、抢建、确保甲方开工;售后服务1. 接到服务信息,在3小时内答复,需要现场服务的,在客户规定的时间内到达现场,切实实现对客户的承诺。2. 对保修期内,因产品的制造,装配及材料等质量问题造成各类故障或零件损坏,无偿为用户维修或更换相应零配件。3. 对保修期外的产品,提供维修服务,销售报价,果断排除故障,让用户满意。4. 在规定的时间内,组织人员对产品进行安装调试及对用户工作人员进行培训。5. 定期组织人员对部分客户进行走访,了解产品的使用情况,征求用户对公司产品及服务的反馈意见。6. 定做不同厂家伺服液位计浮球及钢丝,可以用在内浮顶储罐、高压罐储罐、拱顶罐等场所。7. 定做不同品类仪表的罐旁显示仪, 可以连接温度、液位、压力、流量、密度等4-20mA等标准信号。
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度 :-58 to 185 F (-50 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys; Copper
    Mounting Options:Thermohead or Thermowell Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Screw Clamps or Lugs
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度 :-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys; Copper
    Sensed Temperature:-328 to 1562 F (-200 to 850 C)
    Supply Voltage:9-32 VDC
    Reference Resistance:100 Ohms; 120 Ohms; 200 Ohms; 400 Ohms; 500 Ohms; 1000 Ohms; 10KOhm
    Mounting Options:Thermohead or Thermowell Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Screw Clamps or Lugs
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度 :-58 to 185 F (-50 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys; Copper
    Mounting Options:Thermohead or Thermowell Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Screw Clamps or Lugs
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    输出接口:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    工作温度 :-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Local Interface:Computer Interface
    Supply Voltage:24V DC ±20%
    Sensed Temperature:-292 to 1472 F (-180 to 800 C)
    Mounting Options:DIN Rail Mounting
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current (Typical 4-20 mA); Analog Voltage (e.g. 1-5 Vdc)
    工作温度 :-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys
    Mounting Options:DIN Rail Mounting
    Sensed Temperature:-328 to 1562 F (-200 to 850 C)
    Features:Intrinsically Safe
    Sensor Connection:Terminal Block
    Reference Resistance:100 Ohms; 120 Ohms; 200 Ohms; 400 Ohms; 500 Ohms; 1000 Ohms
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current (Typical 4-20 mA); Analog Voltage (e.g. 1-5 Vdc)
    工作温度 :-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Resistance:100 Ohms; 120 Ohms; 200 Ohms; 400 Ohms; 500 Ohms; 1000 Ohms
    Sensed Temperature:-328 to 1562 F (-200 to 850 C)
    Features:Intrinsically Safe
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys
    Mounting Options:DIN Rail Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Terminal Block
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度 :-58 to 185 F (-50 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys; Copper
    Mounting Options:DIN Rail Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Screw Clamps or Lugs
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度 :-58 to 185 F (-50 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :RTD Temperature Transmitters
    Reference Material:Platinum; Nickel/Nickel Alloys; Copper
    Mounting Options:DIN Rail Mounting
    Sensor Connection:Screw Clamps or Lugs
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    产品类别 :Temperature Probes
    Basic Element Used:Thermocouple; RTD
    Sensed Temperature:-321 to 2012 F (-196 to 1100 C)
    Probe Configuration:Straight Probe
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Explosion Proof; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    说明,SITRANS WF100流量计是一种中、低容量流量计。它不受腐蚀性、研磨性或高温材料的影响。WF100处理各种产品尺寸、密度和流动性,包括细粉,如糖,有助于改善最终产品,提高操作效率,并实现显著的成本节约。,干散状固体进入流导,在它们撞击流量计传感板时产生机械偏转,然后继续通过这一进程没有受到阻碍。WF100将偏转转换为电信号,输入到附带的积分器中,积分器可即时显示流量并累加重量
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    说明,SITRANS WF200和WF250流量计是适用于各种产品尺寸、密度和流动性的中大容量流量计。,WF200系列流量计采用基于微处理器的积分器组件运行,可显示流量、总流量和速率警报。输出为0\/4至20mA,与速率和触点闭合成比例,用于远程汇总。干散状固体进入流量计,然后继续进行无阻碍的过程。,称重传感器将偏转的水平力转换为电信号。积分器将其处理成流量和综合总重量。当只测量水平力时,传感过程不受产品堆积的影响。,WF200系列流量计测量高容量,最大速率为900 t\/h(990 STPH)。对于高容量充气重力式输送机预喂料,WF250的最大输送速率为900 t\/h(990 STPH)。,详细信息,优点
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    Description","SITRANS WF300 Series are low- to medium-capacity flowmeters for various product sizes, densities, and fluidities.","With weighing mechanics located externally, the WF300 Series solids flowmeters are unaffected by corrosive, abrasive, or hot materials.Handling a wide range of product sizes, densities, and fluidities including fine powders such as cement, they operate at process temperatures to +230 °C (+450 °F). The flowmeters help to improve final product, increase operating efficiency, and realize significant cost savings.","Operating with the appropriate SITRANS WFS300 sensing head and a microprocessor-based integrator package, the WF300 Series flowmeters provide a display of the flow rate, totalized flow, and alarms. Outputs are 0\/4 to 20 mA proportional to rate, and open collector output for remote totalization.","Dry bulk solids enter the flow guide producing a mechanical deflection as they strike the flowmeter sensing plate before continuing through the process unhindered. The LVDT in the sensing head converts the deflection of the horizontal force into an electrical signal. The integrator processes this signal into a display of flowrate and integrated total weight. The weighing process is immune to the effect of product build-up as only the horizontal force is measured.","WF330 flowmeters are totally enclosed, with external weighing mechanics, operating with corrosive, abrasive or hot materials. The WF350 operates with aerated gravity conveyors, and includes integral vents and baffles for air separation. For applications with little available headroom, the WF340 flowmeters provide the answer.","Detail","Benefits
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    SITRANS WFS300和WFS320传感头是SITRANS WF300系列固体流量计的过程外传感元件。WFS一系列传感头已被证明在成千上万的应用程序与一些单位提供超过四分之一世纪的性能可靠。,WFS传感头只使用产品的水平力由影响感应板上,然后应用高度可靠的水平偏转线性可变差动变压器(线性)。、无摩擦轴心排除的垂直力传感过程和线性范围是由一个线圈旅行按指定的全尺寸流量选择弹簧。流体脉动时,粘性流体阻尼器提供机械阻尼。LVDT将与冲击力成比例的水平运动转换为电信号,由积分器转换为基于时间的流量指示和总和。这种传感物质流动的方法已经在全世界成千上万的应用中被证明是最好的。
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    工作温度 :-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Zero Speed Switches
    AC Voltage Rating:115 to 230 volts
    Number of Relays:1
    Features:Weather and Dust Proof
    Technology:Magnetic Proximity
    Power Supply:AC
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    输出接口:Other Interface
    产品类别 :Checkweighers
    Ratings / Certifications:CE, C-TICK ;Other
    Type:In-Motion Checkweigher
    Max. Throughput:18 to 45 parts per minute
    Container to Weigh:Belt ;Other
  • 光微科技 NV08 CMOS图像传感器

    输出接口:Other Interface
    产品类别 :Checkweighers
    Type:In-Motion Checkweigher
    Max. Throughput:0.4500 to 100 parts per minute
    Container to Weigh:Belt ;Other
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