北京智宇航维科技有限公司 成立于2023年04月24日,注册地位于北京市房山区西潞街道长虹西路73号1幢1层M2437(集群注册),法定代表人为那仁花。经营范围包括一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;软件开发;数据处理服务;计算机系统服务;信息系统集成服务;通讯设备销售;计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;仪器仪表销售;机械设备销售;电子产品销售;电子元器件零售;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;办公用品销售;办公设备销售;文具用品零售;计算机及通讯设备租赁;工程和技术研究和试验发展;计算机及办公设备维修;通讯设备修理。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:互联网信息服务。
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 703 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 703+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 704 声级计和噪声剂量计

    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    特征 :Data Storage
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 705 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 705+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 706 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 706RC 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 720 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 812 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 820 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 831 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis (optional feature)
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ISO 3382-2 and ASTM E2235
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics SoundExpert™ LxT 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics SoundTrack LxT® 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics System 824 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters

