Wagner Mess- und Regeltechnik
德国 Wagner Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH 最早源于工程师 (TU) Philipp Wagner 于 1964 年创立的工程办公室,随后很快脱颖而出,发展成为德国最重要的热质量流量和压力测量技术销售、服务和规划公司之一。在所有压力和温度范围内精确测量、计量和控制气体、液体和蒸汽是我们的优势。持久和公平的客户关系对我们非常重要。这也适用于我们的供应商,尤其是荷兰公司 Bronkhorst High Tech BV,30 多年来,我们与 Bronkhorst 司保持着非常成功、可靠和创新的合作,因为您的成功就是我们的目标。过去 50 年来,来自半导体、医药、真空技术、化学、工厂工程等众多行业的 7,000 多家客户从我们这里购买了超过 100,000 种设备和解决方案。从单个设备到完整的系统或测试台,从维修服务到校准服务 (DAkkS),在 Wagner Mess- und Regeltechnik,您将受益于我们多年的专业经验和可靠性。
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 ES-FLOW ES-103I 液体流量计

    介质温度:50 to 185 F (10 to 85 C)
    电气输出:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 928 psi (0.0 to 653 m H2O)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator;Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Sanitary Applications Rated
    工作温度:50 to 140 F (10 to 60 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    液体体积流量 :0.00 to 0.40 GPM (0.0040 to 1.5 L/min)
    安装 :In-line
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    面板接口:Digital Front Panel; Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 ES-FLOW ES-113I 液体流量计

    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    电气输出:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Built-in Alarm Indicator;Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Sanitary Applications Rated
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量 :0.00 to 0.40 GPM (0.0040 to 1.5 L/min)
    安装 :In-line
    工作温度:50 to 140 F (10 to 60 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:50 to 185 F (10 to 85 C)
    面板接口:Digital Front Panel; Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 LB06 液体流量计

    介质温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    管道直径 :0.24 inch (6 mm)
    液体体积流量 :0.13 to 2.64 GPM (0.5000 to 10 L/min)
    电气输出:Current (optional feature); Frequency (optional feature)
    工作温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 174 psi (0.0 to 122 m H2O)
    安装 :In-line
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    测量技术:Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 LB08 液体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 174 psi (0.0 to 122 m H2O)
    介质温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    液体体积流量 :0.24 to 3.96 GPM (0.9000 to 15 L/min)
    安装 :In-line
    管道直径 :0.31 inch (8 mm)
    电气输出:Current (optional feature); Frequency (optional feature)
    测量技术:Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 LB10 液体流量计

    介质温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    管道直径 :0.39 inch (10 mm)
    工作温度:5 to 185 F (-15 to 85 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量 :0.53 to 10.56 GPM (2 to 40 L/min)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :0.0 to 174 psi (0.0 to 122 m H2O)
    电气输出:Current (optional feature); Frequency (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    测量技术:Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Model M14V14I 液体流量计

    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :1.10E-4 to 0.1103 lbs/min (3.00E-6 to 0.0030 metric tons/hr)
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    测量的附加变量:Temperature; Density
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    审核认证:ATEX (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Model M15 液体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :7.35E-4 to 1.1 lbs/min (2.00E-5 to 0.0300 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    测量的附加变量:Temperature; Density
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Model ML120V00 液体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    特征 :Recorder / Totalizer Functions;Controller
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    质量流量 :3.67E-6 to 0.0073 lbs/min (1.00E-7 to 2.00E-4 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    测量的附加变量:Temperature; Density
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Model ML120V21 液体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 72.52 psi (0.0 to 51.04 m H2O)
    质量流量 :3.67E-6 to 0.0073 lbs/min (1.00E-7 to 2.00E-4 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    测量的附加变量:Temperature; Density
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 MVM-100-Q 液体流量计

    工作压力 :145 psi (102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    介质温度:32 to 140 F (0 to 60 C)
    液体体积流量 :1.32 to 26.40 GPM (5 to 100 L/min)
    特征 :Controller
    工作温度:14 to 140 F (-10 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 MVM-250-PA 液体流量计

    电气输出:Frequency; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 140 F (0 to 60 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量 :1.32 to 66.00 GPM (5 to 250 L/min)
    工作温度:41 to 140 F (5 to 60 C)
    安装 :In-line
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 MVM-250-PN 液体流量计

    工作温度:41 to 194 F (5 to 90 C)
    液体体积流量 :1.32 to 66.00 GPM (5 to 250 L/min)
    特征 :Controller
    介质温度:32 to 194 F (0 to 90 C)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :145 psi (102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 MVM-250-Q 液体流量计

    介质温度:32 to 140 F (0 to 60 C)
    液体体积流量 :3.30 to 66.00 GPM (12.5 to 250 L/min)
    工作温度:14 to 140 F (-10 to 60 C)
    工作压力 :145 psi (102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    特征 :Controller
    安装 :In-line
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L01 液体流量计

    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    质量流量 :1.84E-7 to 7.35E-5 lbs/min (5.00E-9 to 2.00E-6 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L01V12 液体流量计

    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :1.84E-7 to 7.35E-5 lbs/min (5.00E-9 to 2.00E-6 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L02-20D 液体流量计

    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    质量流量 :1.84E-7 to 1.65E-5 lbs/min (5.00E-9 to 4.50E-7 metric tons/hr)
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L13 液体流量计

    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    质量流量 :9.19E-6 to 0.0037 lbs/min (2.50E-7 to 1.00E-4 metric tons/hr)
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L23 液体流量计

    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    质量流量 :7.35E-5 to 0.0367 lbs/min (2.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L231 液体流量计

    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量 :7.35E-5 to 0.0367 lbs/min (2.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:41 to 158 F (5 to 70 C)
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L231+C21 (IP65 control valve) 液体流量计

    质量流量 :7.35E-5 to 0.0367 lbs/min (2.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    工作温度:41 to 158 F (5 to 70 C)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品标准 :RoHS
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series L23V12 液体流量计

    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    质量流量 :7.35E-5 to 0.0367 lbs/min (2.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    终端配件:Compression; In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:41 to 122 F (5 to 50 C)
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series M10+Pump 液体流量计

    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    安装 :In-line
    工作压力 :0.0 to 2901 psi (0.0 to 2041 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    质量流量 :3.67E-7 to 1.1 lbs/min (1.00E-8 to 0.0300 metric tons/hr)
    特征 :Recorder / Totalizer Functions;Controller
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    测量的附加变量:Temperature; Density
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series M53 液体流量计

    安装 :In-line
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    质量流量 :1.84E-4 to 0.0367 lbs/min (5.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    特征 :Recorder / Totalizer Functions;Controller
    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    产品标准 :RoHS
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    审核认证:ATEX; CE
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 Series M53C0&M53C1&M53C2&M53C5I 液体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    质量流量 :1.84E-4 to 0.0367 lbs/min (5.00E-6 to 1.00E-3 metric tons/hr)
    安装 :In-line
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
    产品标准 :RoHS
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    审核认证:ATEX; CE
  • Bronkhorst 布琅轲锶特 M55C4&M55C5I 液体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 1450 psi (0.0 to 1021 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Mass Flow Meter
    接口选项 :Serial/Digital; Network/Fieldbus
    电气输出:Current; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    介质温度:32 to 158 F (0 to 70 C)
    质量流量 :0.0018 to 2.21 lbs/min (5.00E-5 to 0.0600 metric tons/hr)
    管道直径 :0.00 to 0.50 inch (0.0 to 12.7 mm)
    安装 :In-line
    特征 :Controller;Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    介质类型:Liquid; Gas
    产品标准 :RoHS
    显示 :Digital (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Liquid Flow Meters
    审核认证:ATEX; CE
    面板接口:Computer Controllable
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