TEDS Mühendislik
土耳其 TEDS Mühendislik Ltd.  是一家为测量应用提供不同解决方案的工程公司,特别是在测试工程和开发领域。公司使命是为客户提供数据采集系统、传感器、软件和物联网解决方案,满足不同领域的测试和测量需求,并考虑最佳的性价比。 TEDS 采用与世界领先制造商合作的原则,为客户的研发、P&D 和连续测量需求提供高水平的解决方案。TEDS 将其客户关系设计为终生难忘,从第一次接触开始,始终让他们感受到我们的支持和兴趣。产品与服务传感器应变计   应变传感器   加速度/振动传感器   IMU 和倾斜/角度传感器   莫代尔锤(冲击锤)   力传感器   扭矩传感器    测量麦克风   称重传感器   汽车测试传感器   液位测量传感器   流量传感器测量系统通用数据采集   迷你数据采集器   坚固型数据采集   声学相机   声学测量系统   车辆动力学/惯性测量   扭矩测量系统   结构健康监测   光纤测量系统   重量测量系统   声级计   测试系统   振动测试系统   模态振动台   冲击测试系统   振动控制器   粒子撞击噪声检测 (PIND)软件动态信号处理   Mecalc QServer   充满活力的 ME'scope我们的解决方案传感器和变换器传感器和变换器可提供可靠、准确的数据。测量系统完整的测量链可优化任何产品或流程。声学相机声学测量设备可实现更好的产品音质和环境静音。环境测试系统用于模态、振动和冲击测试的环境测试系统。汽车测试系统用于驾驶辅助和汽车零部件的测试和测量系统。健康监测系统用于监控关键结构的传感器、分配器和记录仪。
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-220-5&DA-1 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries, Civil Engineering Applications ;Other
    位移范围:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
    频率范围:4500 Hz
    峰值加速度:40 g
    峰值正弦力:220 lbs (100 kg)
    峰值速度:47.24 in/sec (72 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table diameter - 5 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 5.5 lbs
    载重量:154 lbs (70 kg)
    峰值冲击力:441 lbs (200 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:220 lbs (100 kg)
    谐振频率:3400 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-22000-19&DA-100 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Spacecraft Components, Large Mechanical Structures, Automotive Systems, Military Products ;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2500 Hz
    峰值加速度:120 g
    峰值正弦力:22050 lbs (10000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 18.9 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 176 lbs
    载重量:2646 lbs (1200 kg)
    峰值冲击力:44100 lbs (20000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:22050 lbs (10000 kg)
    谐振频率:2100 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-22200-25&DA-120 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Spacecraft Components, Large Mechanical Structures, Automotive Systems, Military Products;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2300 Hz
    峰值加速度:120 g
    峰值正弦力:26460 lbs (12000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random Vibration;Shock / Pulse Mode;Sine Wave Vibration
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 25.6 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 220 lbs
    载重量:5512 lbs (2500 kg)
    峰值冲击力:52920 lbs (24000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:26460 lbs (12000 kg)
    谐振频率:1900 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-2420-9&DA-10 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries ;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:3000 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:2426 lbs (1100 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 9.3 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 24.2 lbs
    载重量:662 lbs (300 kg)
    峰值冲击力:4851 lbs (2200 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:2426 lbs (1100 kg)
    谐振频率:2500 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Vibration isolation mounting system such as air mounts for the trunnion or frame; Pneumatic or other payload support system (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster, Pneumatic Centering Controller
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-35200-23&DA-160 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2200 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:35280 lbs (16000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random Vibration;Shock / Pulse Mode;Sine Wave Vibration
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 23.2 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 308 lbs
    载重量:3969 lbs (1800 kg)
    峰值冲击力:70560 lbs (32000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:35280 lbs (16000 kg)
    谐振频率:1800 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-35200-25&DA-160 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Spacecraft Components, Large Mechanical Structures, Automotive Systems, Military Products;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2200 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:35280 lbs (16000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random Vibration;Shock / Pulse Mode;Sine Wave Vibration
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 25.6 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 330 lbs
    载重量:5512 lbs (2500 kg)
    峰值冲击力:70560 lbs (32000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:35280 lbs (16000 kg)
    谐振频率:1650 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-39600-23&DA-180 振动测试台

    应用:Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Spacecraft Components, Large Mechanical Structures, Automotive Systems, Military Products;Product Qualification or Testing
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2200 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:39690 lbs (18000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random Vibration;Shock / Pulse Mode;Sine Wave Vibration
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 23.2 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 308 lbs
    载重量:3969 lbs (1800 kg)
    峰值冲击力:79380 lbs (36000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:39690 lbs (18000 kg)
    谐振频率:1800 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-39600-25&DA-180 振动测试台

    应用:Product Qualification or Testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Spacecraft Components, Large Mechanical Structures, Automotive Systems, Military Products
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:5 to 2200 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:39690 lbs (18000 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random Vibration;Shock / Pulse Mode;Sine Wave Vibration
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 25.6 in
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 330 lbs
    载重量:5512 lbs (2500 kg)
    峰值冲击力:79380 lbs (36000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:39690 lbs (18000 kg)
    谐振频率:1750 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Cooling with oil or water heat exchanger; Pneumatic or other payload support system; Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); Optional Thermal Barrier, Load Support Air Compensator, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support-OPCS
    杂散磁场:< 10 gauss (1 mT)
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-440-6&DA-2 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries, Civil Engineering Applications ;Other
    位移范围:1.5 inch (38 mm)
    频率范围:4000 Hz
    峰值加速度:80 g
    峰值正弦力:441 lbs (200 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table diameter - 6 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 5.5 lbs
    载重量:220 lbs (100 kg)
    峰值冲击力:882 lbs (400 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:441 lbs (200 kg)
    谐振频率:3400 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-5280-13&DA-20 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries ;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:3000 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:5292 lbs (2400 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 13.2 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 53 lbs
    载重量:662 lbs (300 kg)
    峰值冲击力:9922 lbs (4500 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:4851 lbs (2200 kg)
    谐振频率:2600 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Vibration isolation mounting system such as air mounts for the trunnion or frame; Pneumatic or other payload support system (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster, Auto Pneumatic Position Centering System
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-660-6&DA-3 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries ;Other
    位移范围:1.5 inch (38 mm)
    频率范围:4000 Hz
    峰值加速度:100 g
    峰值正弦力:662 lbs (300 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table diameter - 6 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 6.6 lbs
    载重量:265 lbs (120 kg)
    峰值冲击力:1323 lbs (600 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:662 lbs (300 kg)
    谐振频率:3300 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Pneumatic or other payload support system (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster, Remote Control
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-8360-13&DA-40 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries ;Other
    位移范围:2.01 inch (51 mm)
    频率范围:2800 Hz
    峰值加速度:115 g
    峰值正弦力:8379 lbs (3800 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:Table Diameter - 13.3 in
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Armature Effective Nominal Weight - 68.2 lbs
    载重量:1102 lbs (500 kg)
    峰值冲击力:16758 lbs (7600 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:8379 lbs (3800 kg)
    谐振频率:2400 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Vibration isolation mounting system such as air mounts for the trunnion or frame; Pneumatic or other payload support system (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller, Thermal Barrier, Air Caster, Auto-Centering Support
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD-8360LS4-17&DA-60 振动测试台

    应用:Product qualification; Electronic Assemblies, Automotive, Aviation, Military, Medical, and Electronic Manufacturing Industries ;Other
    位移范围:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    频率范围:2700 Hz
    峰值加速度:85 g
    峰值正弦力:8379 lbs (3800 kg)
    峰值速度:78.74 in/sec (120 m/min)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    行业 / 机构认证:Products comply with European tests standards and ISO regulations
    载重量:1102 lbs (500 kg)
    峰值冲击力:16758 lbs (7600 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:8379 lbs (3800 kg)
    谐振频率:2400 Hz
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled; Head plate extenders, expanders or fixtures (optional feature); Pneumatic or other payload support system (optional feature); Slip table or other features that provide horizontal or multi-axis testing (optional feature); D-Class Switching Amplifier, Optional Accelerometers, Vibration Controller
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. M1600W 振动测试台

    应用:Modal Excitation Source; Transducer Calibration
    位移范围:0.7559 inch (19.2 mm)
    频率范围:4500 Hz
    峰值加速度:80 g
    峰值正弦力:44.96 lbs (20.39 kg)
    测试模式:Random vibration mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    移动部件 / 电枢重量:Moving Mass: 90 Grams
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
    随机力-RMS:31.47 lbs (14.27 kg)
    特性 / 选项:Air or fan cooled
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B100 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 4.72 inch (0.0 to 120 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 100 g
    峰值速度:86.61 in/sec (132 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:700 mm X 700 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:220 lbs (100 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B1000 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 7.87 inch (0.0 to 200 mm)
    峰值加速度:4 to 80 g
    峰值速度:110 in/sec (168 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:1200 mm X 1200 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:2205 lbs (1000 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B1500 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 7.87 inch (0.0 to 200 mm)
    峰值加速度:4 to 60 g
    峰值速度:110 in/sec (168 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:1500 mm X 1500 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:3308 lbs (1500 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B200 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 7.09 inch (0.0 to 180 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 100 g
    峰值速度:104 in/sec (159 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:800 mm X 800 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:441 lbs (200 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B300 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 7.09 inch (0.0 to 180 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 100 g
    峰值速度:104 in/sec (159 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:860 mm X 860 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:662 lbs (300 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B50 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 4.72 inch (0.0 to 120 mm)
    峰值加速度:2 to 120 g
    峰值速度:86.61 in/sec (132 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:500 mm X 700 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:110 lbs (50 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD B500 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 7.87 inch (0.0 to 200 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 80 g
    峰值速度:110 in/sec (168 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Sinusoidal mode vibration testing ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:1000 mm X 1000 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:1102 lbs (500 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD SB400 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 19.69 inch (0.0 to 500 mm)
    峰值加速度:2 to 800 g
    峰值速度:177 to 413 in/sec (270 to 630 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Half Sine, Sawtooth, and Square Wave Pulse ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:400 mm X 400 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:110 lbs (50 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD SB500 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 19.69 inch (0.0 to 500 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 600 g
    峰值速度:146 to 378 in/sec (222 to 576 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Half Sine, Sawtooth, and Square Wave Pulse ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:500 mm X 500 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:220 lbs (100 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD SB600 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 20.47 inch (0.0 to 520 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 500 g
    峰值速度:134 to 354 in/sec (204 to 540 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Half Sine, Sawtooth, and Square Wave Pulse ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:600 mm X 600 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:441 lbs (200 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
  • Spectral Dynamics, Inc. SD SB700 振动测试台

    应用:Semiconductor component testing; Transportation or automotive vibration and shock simulation; Military, Industrial, and Individual Test Requirements ;Other
    位移范围:0.0 to 20.47 inch (0.0 to 520 mm)
    峰值加速度:3 to 400 g
    峰值速度:126 to 346 in/sec (192 to 528 m/min)
    测试模式:Shock mode testing; Half Sine, Sawtooth, and Square Wave Pulse ;Other Test Mode
    电枢 / 工作台尺寸:700 mm X 700 mm
    行业 / 机构认证:ISO, MIL-STD-810
    载重量:662 lbs (300 kg)
    产品类别:Shock and Vibration Testing Shakers
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