安徽普尔斯进出口贸易有限公司 是一家专业从事欧美工业产品进口业务的公司。\n公司拥有自营进出口经营权和国际货运代理经营业务权。\n经过多年的发展我们在德国,意大利,美国等地建立了专门的采购办事处,并与多家国外厂家达成总代理合作关系。\n我们主要业务涉及的产品为精密喷砂设备,研磨抛光工具和耗材,工业清洗设备等,
  • PCE Instruments PCE-310 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:-110 to 122 F (-79 to 50 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-313 S 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:78 to 120 F (25 to 49 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:5 to 95 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-313A 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:-14 to 120 F (-25 to 49 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:5 to 95 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-320 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:10 to 90 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-330 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
    相对湿度精度:2 to 4 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-555 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
    相对湿度精度:2 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-EM 882 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:14 to 140 F (-10 to 60 C)
    相对湿度精度:5 %
    相对湿度范围:25 to 95 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-EM 886 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:33 to 99 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-HT 71N 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:-31 to 176 F (-35 to 80 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-HT110 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:4 %
    相对湿度范围:10 to 90 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-HVAC 3 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:2 to 4 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-THA 10 温湿度传感器

    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    相对湿度范围:5 to 95 %
    相对湿度精度:3 to 5 %
    显示:Digital Readouts
    特性:Battery Powered
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-THB 38 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:-13 to 120 F (-25 to 49 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:10 to 95 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Pressure; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-THB 40 温湿度传感器

    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:4 %
    相对湿度范围:10 to 90 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Pressure; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-VA 20 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:23 to 140 F (-5 to 60 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 to 5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.1000 to 99.9 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-VA 20-SET 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:23 to 140 F (-5 to 60 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts or Indicators
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 to 5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.1000 to 99.9 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
  • PCE Instruments PCE-WB 20SD 温湿度传感器

    露点范围:-14 to 120 F (-25 to 49 C)
    显示:Digital Readouts
    特性:Battery Powered
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    相对湿度精度:3 %
    相对湿度范围:5 to 95 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; DewPoint; Temperature
    产品类别:Moisture Meters
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