杭州宏顺自动化科技有限公司 是一家专业代理经销国内外工业自动化知名品牌及承接电气自动化工程项目、技术开发和改造的企业。以工业自动化为主营,融科、工、贸于一体,从事自动化工程项目设计、安装、调试等服务。在工程技术服务领域拥有强大实力,国内电气自动化产品分销商中具有雄厚竞争优势。公司以雄厚的技术实力和良好信誉,与世界著名工控产品厂商法国施耐德、日本OMRON、富士、瑞典ABB、松下电工、德国西门子、金钟穆勒、魏德米勒、倍加福、美国A-B、美国GE、美国派克、英国C.T公司、诺冠、威图、台湾研华、苏州特雷卡、深圳华为、三菱、三肯、SMC,FESTO等公司建立了长期稳定的技术和商务合作关系。杭州宏顺自动化科技有限公司 是松下(Panasonic);快达(Crydom)和威纶(WEINVIEW)一级代理商,都有代理证。公司是一家专业代理经销国内外工业自动化知名品牌及承接电气自动化工程项目、技术开发和改造的企业。
  • Festo 费斯托 565405 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565406 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565409 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565407 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565408 气体流量计

    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565385 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565386 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565387 气体流量计

    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565388 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565397 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565398 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565393 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565394 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565399 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565400 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565395 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565396 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565389 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565390 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565391 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565392 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565401 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565402 气体流量计

    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565403 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565404 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
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