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  • Shimadzu 岛津 TNPC-4110 总有机碳(TOC)分析仪

    分析方法:Combustion; UV Fluorescence
    试样引入:Vial Auto-Sampler
    精度:3 %
    显示选项:Video Display
    被测分析物:Total Organic Carbon; TN
    介质温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
    本地接口 :Digital Front Panel
    工作温度:33.8 to 104 F (1.0000 to 40 C)
    产品类别 :Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers
    一般特征 :Built-in or Self Calibration
  • Shimadzu 岛津 TOC-4200 总有机碳(TOC)分析仪

    平均分析时间 :4 minutes
    介质温度:1256 F (680 C)
    本地接口 :Digital Front Panel
    分析方法:Combustion; Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR)
    被测分析物:Total Organic Carbon; Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon; TN (Total Nitrogen)
    测量范围:0.0 to 20000 ppm
    显示选项:Digital Readout
    工作温度:33.8 to 104 F (1.0000 to 40 C)
    一般特征 :Built-in or Self Calibration
    产品类别 :Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers
  • Shimadzu 岛津 TOC-L Series 总有机碳(TOC)分析仪

    平均分析时间 :4 minutes
    测量范围:0.0 to 35000 ppm
    分析方法:Combustion; Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR)
    被测分析物:Total Organic Carbon; Total Carbon; Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon; Purgeable Organic Carbon; TN (Total Nitrogen)
    试样引入:Vial Auto-Sampler
    介质温度:1256 F (680 C)
    本地接口 :Digital Front Panel
    计算机接口 :Computer Interface; Application Software Included.;Other
    显示选项:Video Display
    工作温度:41 to 95 F (5 to 35 C)
    产品类别 :Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers
    一般特征 :Built-in or Self Calibration
  • Shimadzu 岛津 TOC-VWP 总有机碳(TOC)分析仪

    分析方法:UV Persulfate; Nondispersive Infrared;Other
    被测分析物:Total Organic Carbon; Total Carbon; Total Inorganic Carbon; Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon
    测量范围:0.5000 to 3500 ppm
    平均分析时间 :4 minutes
    本地接口 :Digital Front Panel
    计算机接口 :Computer Interface; Serial; Application Software Included.
    精度:1.5 %
    工作温度:41 to 95 F (5 to 35 C)
    产品类别 :Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers
    一般特征 :Programmable
  • Shimadzu 岛津 TOC-VWS 总有机碳(TOC)分析仪

    平均分析时间 :4 minutes
    分析方法:UV Persulfate; Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR) ;Other
    被测分析物:Total Organic Carbon; Total Carbon; Total Inorganic Carbon; Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon
    测量范围:0.5000 to 3500 ppm
    精度:1.5 %
    本地接口 :Digital Front Panel
    显示选项:Video Display
    工作温度:41 to 95 F (5 to 35 C)
    一般特征 :Programmable; Self Test, Diagnostics; Data Storage
    产品类别 :Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers

