上海祥树欧茂机电设备有限公司 注册地址位于上海市长宁区哈密路1955号5F-1029室,注册机关为长宁区市场监督管理局,法人代表为赵树才,经营范围包括许可项目:各类工程建设活动。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)\\r一般项目:机电设备,劳防用品,消毒剂(不含危险化学品),自动化控制设备,通讯器材,五金交电,仪器仪表,电线电缆,计算机、软件及辅助设备,日用化学产品、化工原料及产品(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品),日用百货销售,第一类医疗器械批发,第二类医疗器械批发,医用口罩批发,日用口罩(非医用)销售,产业用纺织制成品销售,自有房屋租赁,货物进出口,技术进出口。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动),
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200&90-10 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    量程:0.0400 to 0.4000 inch (1.02 to 10.16 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200&90-16 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0620 to 0.6200 inch (1.57 to 15.75 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200&90-2 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    量程:0.0080 to 0.0800 inch (0.2032 to 2.03 mm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200&90-5 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 0.2000 inch (0.5080 to 5.08 mm)
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200-10 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    量程:0.0400 to 0.4000 inch (1.02 to 10.16 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    精度:0.01 um
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200-16 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    量程:0.0620 to 0.6200 inch (1.57 to 15.75 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    显示 :Digital Display
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    精度:0.01 um
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200-2 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    量程:0.0080 to 0.0800 inch (0.2032 to 2.03 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 um
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1200-5 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    量程:0.0200 to 0.2000 inch (0.5080 to 5.08 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    精度:0.01 um
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1201-20 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0780 to 0.7800 inch (1.98 to 19.81 mm)
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:0.01 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1201-30 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    量程:0.1170 to 1.17 inch (2.97 to 29.72 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    扫描/响应速度:100000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    精度:0.01 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1202-100 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:3.93 inch (99.82 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:600 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:0.0020 inch (0.0508 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1202-75 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:0.0012 inch (0.0305 mm)
    T/R 间隔:1 to 150 inch (25.4 to 3810 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    量程:2.83 inch (71.88 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    扫描/响应速度:800 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 1220-28 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:7.87E-5 inch (0.0020 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:1.1 inch (28 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage
    T/R 间隔:1.97 to 78.74 inch (50 to 2000 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    重复性:4 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:4 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 2500-35 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    重复性:3 µm
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    T/R 间隔:5.91 to 45 inch (150 to 1143 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    量程:0.0120 to 1.38 inch (0.3048 to 34.98 mm)
    最小分辨率:3.94E-5 inch (1.00E-3 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2300 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:3 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 2520 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:2500 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:3.94 to 11.81 inch (100 to 300 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    最小分辨率:3.94E-5 inch (1.00E-3 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    量程:1.81 inch (46 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial
    显示 :Digital Display
    重复性:5 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:5 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 2520-46(090) 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    T/R 间隔:3.94 to 11.81 inch (100 to 300 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    量程:1.81 inch (46 mm)
    最小分辨率:3.94E-5 inch (1.00E-3 mm)
    重复性:5 µm
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 optoCONTROL ODC 2600-40 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:3.94E-6 inch (1.00E-4 mm)
    重复性:1 µm
    T/R 间隔:10 to 12 inch (254 to 305 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial
    显示 :Digital Display
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Two-piece head
    量程:0.0040 to 1.57 inch (0.1016 to 40 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2300 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:1 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MTS 7202.T 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    量程:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    精度:1.2 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MTS 8201.LLT 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    量程:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:10 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MTS 8202.LLT 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    量程:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    精度:40 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MTS 8202.T 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.7874 inch (20 mm)
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:4 µm
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MTS 9201.LLT 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    量程:108 inch (2740 mm)
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThicknessCONTROL MWS 8203.LLT 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head
    激光 / 可见度类型:Laser Class II
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :SPC Capability
    精度:20 µm
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers

