深圳市振华微半导体有限公司 是一家大型的IC(集成电路)代理分销商.货源稳定、价格合理,2008年被评为业界经销商!主营品牌有:Cypress NXP ST TI, ALTERA,AD,MAXIM,DALLDS,XILINX .NSC等国际知名的品牌!为了满足国内外企业界、研究院及贸易商的需求,每年我司都要从国际市场引进大批量的高品质集成电路.多年来秉着“原厂原装,品质保证,视信誉为生命,以客户为中心。”的经营理念为我司在全国乃至同行中赢得了广泛的支持和极好的信誉。公司客户遍及汽车制造、医疗器械、军事、航空航天、精密仪器、安防、家电、通信网络以及工业控制等诸多领域。金山顺电子多年如一日,坚持一贯的诚信作风,为成千上万的中国电子设备制造商提供生产急需的元器件,在全国各地开辟了广泛和稳固的供货渠道。 我们拥有十多载的历程,研制技朮知识﹐严谨的质量管理体系﹐能提供全方位产品开发和生产的优质服务。在全体员工的共同努力下,公司将继续发扬“立足诚信、团结进取、求实创新、成就卓越”的企业精神,秉承“热情、高效”的客服理念,不断加强与国内外产业伙伴的交流合作,一如既往的为终端客户提供的产品技术、保证产品品质,主营范围:公司主营各种IC;汽车制造、医疗器械、军事、航空航天、精密仪器、安防、家电、通信网络以及工业控制等诸多领域。主营品牌:NXP ST TI MAXIM ADI KEC Radiall Cypress Coilcraft/线艺 INTEL TOSHIBA IK等等。
The tiny and mighty SE868K7-A/AL is the industry’s smallest GPS patch antenna module. Designed with an additional Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Filter, these modules deliver best-in-class performance. The combination of advanced features and a low-profile design significantly simplifies integration for space constrained applications by eliminating the need for external components.
Market segments
Assisted GPS and Bundling
In order for a GNSS receiver to provide a navigation solution, it must have satellite orbits data so that it can accurately determine the expected location of each visible GPS satellite. If the receiver does not have this data, or if the data it has is too old, it must collect the data from the satellite after its signal has been acquired.
The Jupiter SE878K7-A is a plug-and-play GPS receiver with integrated high sensitivity 18 x 18 mm patch antenna, SAW filter, additional LNA, flash memory, GNSS core, RTC and TCXO. It uses Telit’s “cavity like” PCB package with an optimized RF path for standard SMT mounting that does not constrain the host PCB, minimizing the antenna detuning. It supports GPS, QZSS as well as SBAS augmentation.
The SE878K7-A series provides the positioning data though standard UART. Its onboard A-GPS software engine is able to locally predict ephemeris up to 1 day in advance and store this data in the BBRAM.
Market segments
Small tracking devices
Personal trackers and monitors
Toll roads
Cellular base stations