深圳市创丰仪器仪表有限公司 是一家专业从事进口自动化产品销售及系统集成的高新技术商贸企业,位于深圳市宝安中心区前海科创中心主营品牌yamatake,azbil日本山武,seeka,takex日本竹中,omron日本欧姆龙、optex奥普士,HOKUYO日本北阳,TOHO日本东邦,FUJI日本富士,SANYO日本三洋,sunx日本神视,Panasonic松下电机、honeywell美国霍尼韦尔,banner美国邦纳,fotek台湾阳明,moujen台湾茂仁,台湾瑞科RIK0,台湾天得tend台湾开放KFPS,台湾土研ANVKGN光纤,德国施克SICK,德国巴鲁夫BALLUFF,法国施耐德schneider,瑞士科瑞contrinex韩国奥托尼克斯AUTONICS,BKC温控器,ANLY台湾安良,SMC,CKC松菱,shinho神港,和泉IDEC等知名品牌长期以来,创丰公司以多年的行业经验、充足的货源、优惠合理的价格、良好的商业信誉、上等、快捷的服务、再配合具有国际知名度的品牌,已将产品广泛应用在国内各地的冶金,化工,机械,电子,包装,数控机床,热处理,纺织机械 ,轻工、食品包装、家电等行业,并赢得广大用户的高度信赖与好评,建立起良好长久的合作关系。
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 CZ-H32 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.02 inch (26 mm)
    Length:0.8465 inch (21.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 131 F (-10 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:1.97 to 3.74 inch (50 to 95 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 CZ-H35S 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.04 inch (26.4 mm)
    Length:0.8661 inch (22 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 131 F (-10 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:1.1 to 2.05 inch (28 to 52 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 CZ-H37S 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.09 inch (27.7 mm)
    Length:0.8661 inch (22 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 131 F (-10 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:0.4331 to 0.7874 inch (11 to 20 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 CZ-H52 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.3 inch (33 mm)
    Length:0.9449 inch (24 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 131 F (-10 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:0.9843 to 2.17 inch (25 to 55 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-M73 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.02 inch (26 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-M73P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.02 inch (26 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V11 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V11P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V12 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V12P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V13 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V13P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 inch (100 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V31 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V31P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V32 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V32P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V33 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V33P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.37 inch (34.8 mm)
    Length:0.8307 inch (21.1 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:11.81 inch (300 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.4252 inch (10.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V71 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V71P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V72 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V72P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V73 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-V73P 光电传感器

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:M12 Connector
    Height:1.83 to 1.84 inch (46.4 to 46.8 mm)
    Length:1.06 inch (27 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.5906 inch (15 mm)

