乐利中国有限公司(LELI 乐利) 系LOLLY集团在中国香港注册的投资公司,乐利(中国)有限公司联合相关资本于2012年8月在中国上海设立,依托LOLLY集团成熟的供 应链体系、专业背景及资本后盾,面向中国地区客户提供数百万种MRO工业品,仪器仪表产品等业务运作,并发展上述部分产品成套业务体系,部分财富全球 500强及中国本土知名企业已成为LELI乐利重要客户。LOLLY下属品质品牌: LOLLY™ ,6LI.COM™ ,MRO™ , EHS™ , LELI™ , QY™ , shlie™ , Beyond the self™ , 乐利™ , 施兰设备™ , 磬砚工程™ , 乐利内刊™ , 企采™;公司名称:乐利中国有限公司(英文名:LELI CHINA CO,.LIMITED)代表人:WELLAV.H注册资本:HKD 201,981,030ED)总人数:118人(2014.5月为准)主要业务:流通非原材料性质的工业品(MRO),为大中企业的提供一站式采购方案,为中小型企业和个体流通MRO材料。
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 39.37 inch (0.0 to 1000 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    量程:0.0 to 0.3900 inch (0.0 to 9.91 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-028 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact ;Other
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    量程:0.0 to 1.1 inch (0.0 to 27.94 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 59.06 inch (0.0 to 1500 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5041 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:1.00E-5 inch (2.54E-4 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5121 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0300 to 4.72 inch (0.7620 to 120 mm)
    T/R 间隔:11.81 to 39.37 inch (300 to 1000 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    精度:±0.32 Mil (8µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    量程:0.0100 to 1.18 inch (0.2540 to 29.97 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:1.00E-3 to 0.2400 inch (0.0254 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Video / Imaging; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.02 Mil (0.5µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-040 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:5.00E-6 inch (1.27E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    重复性:±0.005 Mil (0.15µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-065 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    最小分辨率:7.00E-6 inch (1.78E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers

