乐利中国有限公司(LELI 乐利) 系LOLLY集团在中国香港注册的投资公司,乐利(中国)有限公司联合相关资本于2012年8月在中国上海设立,依托LOLLY集团成熟的供 应链体系、专业背景及资本后盾,面向中国地区客户提供数百万种MRO工业品,仪器仪表产品等业务运作,并发展上述部分产品成套业务体系,部分财富全球 500强及中国本土知名企业已成为LELI乐利重要客户。LOLLY下属品质品牌: LOLLY™ ,6LI.COM™ ,MRO™ , EHS™ , LELI™ , QY™ , shlie™ , Beyond the self™ , 乐利™ , 施兰设备™ , 磬砚工程™ , 乐利内刊™ , 企采™;公司名称:乐利中国有限公司(英文名:LELI CHINA CO,.LIMITED)代表人:WELLAV.H注册资本:HKD 201,981,030ED)总人数:118人(2014.5月为准)主要业务:流通非原材料性质的工业品(MRO),为大中企业的提供一站式采购方案,为中小型企业和个体流通MRO材料。
  • Festo 费斯托 565405 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565406 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565407 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565408 气体流量计

    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565409 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573346 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Current; Switch
    气体体积流量 :1.77 to 177 SCFM (3 to 300 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573347 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :1.77 to 177 SCFM (3 to 300 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573348 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :3.53 to 353 SCFM (6 to 600 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Current; Switch
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573349 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :3.53 to 353 SCFM (6 to 600 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573350 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :5.3 to 530 SCFM (9 to 900 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Current; Switch
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573351 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :5.3 to 530 SCFM (9 to 900 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573352 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :1.77 to 177 SCFM (3 to 300 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573353 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :1.77 to 177 SCFM (3 to 300 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573354 气体流量计

    气体体积流量 :3.53 to 353 SCFM (6 to 600 m³/hr)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573355 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :3.53 to 353 SCFM (6 to 600 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573356 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :5.3 to 530 SCFM (9 to 900 m³/hr)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 573357 气体流量计

    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 232 psi (0.0 to 163 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    气体体积流量 :5.3 to 530 SCFM (9 to 900 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
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