尧函液压设备(上海)有限公司 注册地址位于上海市奉贤区南桥镇环城西路2511号6幢6层,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为胡大娟,经营范围包括一般项目:液压动力机械及元件销售;工业自动控制系统装置销售;灯具销售;日用家电零售;家用电器销售;机械设备销售;电子产品销售;消防器材销售;仪器仪表销售;文具用品零售;文具用品批发;环境保护专用设备销售;劳动保护用品销售;五金产品零售;五金产品批发;电子元器件批发;电气设备销售;电线、电缆经营;日用百货销售;服装服饰零售;化妆品批发;化妆品零售;工艺美术品及礼仪用品销售(象牙及其制品除外);建筑材料销售;厨具卫具及日用杂品批发;轴承销售;轴承、齿轮和传动部件销售;电气设备修理;电子、机械设备维护(不含特种设备);技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);市场营销策划;会议及展览服务;图文设计制作;专业设计服务;货物进出口;技术进出口;进出口代理。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动),
  • Minco AS570PF17A 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF17B 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF25A 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF25B 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF50A 温度探头

    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF50B 温度探头

    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF8A 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco AS570PF8B 温度探头

    感应温度:17.96 to 131 F (-7.8 to 55 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S15215PXY100 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S15215PXY12 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S15215PXY24 温度探头

    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S15215PXY50 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S456PEY12 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S456PEY18 温度探头

    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S456PEY24 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S456PEY48 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S457PEY100 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S457PEY24 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S457PEY50 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S457PEZ12 温度探头

    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S457PEZ24 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S475PFY100 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
  • Minco S475PFY12 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S475PFY24 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
  • Minco S475PFY50 温度探头

    感应温度:-49.9 to 275 F (-45.5 to 135 C)
    探头配置:Air Probe; Averaging Duct
    传感器终端类型:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
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