皕赫国际贸易(上海)有限公司 成立于2011年05月12日,注册地位于上海市嘉定区科福路358_368号4幢1层E区J7016室,法定代表人为吴琳。经营范围包括许可项目:货物进出口;技术进出口;各类工程建设活动。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准) 一般项目:仪器仪表、五金工具、电线电缆、金属材料、电子产品、办公设备、机电设备、酒店设备、劳防用品、汽车饰品、家居用品、化工产品及原料(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品)的销售,商务咨询;仪器仪表修理;机械设备租赁。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-40 to 257 F (-40 to 125 C)
    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.0100 to 1000 ft/sec (0.0030 to 305 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Media Temperature:-65 to 500 F (-54 to 260 C)
    Electrical Output:Switch
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 2000 psi (0.0 to 1408 m H2O)
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Meter Type:Velocity Flow Meter
    Approvals:ISO9001, AS9100
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:2 ±%
    工作温度:-40 to 160 F (-40 to 71 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 1000 psi (0.0 to 704 m H2O)
    End Fittings:Flanged ; Threaded
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Meter Type:Velocity Flow Meter
    Approvals:ISO9001, AS9000
    Media Temperature:-65 to 500 F (-54 to 260 C)
    Electrical Output:Current
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.0100 to 600 ft/sec (0.0030 to 183 m/sec)
    Mounting:In-line; Insertion
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    重复性 :0.1000 +/-inch (2.54 +/-mm)
    精度:0.2500 +/-inch (6.35 +/-mm)
    工作温度:-65 to 400 F (-53.89 to 204 C)
    产品类别:Level Sensors
    Device Classification:Sensor-Only
    Level Measurement Type:Point Level / Multi-Point Levels
    Meter Technology Type:Other
    Communication Interface Options:Other
    Mounting Options:Side Mount;Top Mount;Bottom Mount
    Media Type:Liquid
    Maximum Operating Pressure:3000 psi (2111 m H2O)
    Material Temperature Range:-65 to 400 F (-53.89 to 204 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 +/-inch (6.35 +/-mm)
    工作温度:-65 to 500 F (-53.89 to 260 C)
    重复性 :0.1250 +/-inch (3.17 +/-mm)
    产品类别:Level Sensors
    Output Options:Alarm or Visual Indicator
    Communication Interface Options:Other
    Media Type:Liquid
    Maximum Operating Pressure:2000 psi (1408 m H2O)
    Device Classification:Sensor-Only
    Meter Technology Type:Other
    Mounting Options:Side Mount;Top Mount;Bottom Mount
    Material Temperature Range:-65 to 500 F (-53.89 to 260 C)
    Level Measurement Type:Point Level / Multi-Point Levels
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 +/-inch (6.35 +/-mm)
    工作温度:-65 to 650 F (-53.89 to 343 C)
    产品类别:Level Sensors
    Communication Interface Options:Other
    Output Options:Alarm or Visual Indicator
    Maximum Operating Pressure:2000 psi (1408 m H2O)
    Meter Technology Type:Other
    Material Temperature Range:-65 to 650 F (-53.89 to 343 C)
    Mounting Options:Side Mount;Top Mount;Bottom Mount
    Device Classification:Sensor-Only
    Media Type:Liquid
    Level Measurement Type:Point Level / Multi-Point Levels
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:1 ±% FS
    工作温度:-40 to 257 F (-40 to 125 C)
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 500 psi (0.0 to 352 m H2O)
    产品类别:Pressure Sensors
    冲击:10 g
    Pressure Reading:绝压;差压;表压
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:1 ±% FS
    工作温度:-40 to 257 F (-40 to 125 C)
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 500 psi (0.0 to 352 m H2O)
    产品类别:Pressure Sensors
    冲击:10 g
    Pressure Reading:表压
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Thermistor Temperature Probes
    Probe Configuration:Penetration (Needle) Probe; Flexible Probe
    Process Connection:Threaded (NPT) Fitting; Other (Special)
    Sensed Temperature:-50 to 800 F (-45.56 to 427 C)
    Sensitive Length:0.1600 to 4 inch (4.06 to 102 mm)
    Sensor Termination Type:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    Basic Element Used:RTD; Thermistor (optional feature)
    Element Configuration:More Than Two Elements
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Sensitive Length:0.1600 to 4 inch (4.06 to 102 mm)
    Process Connection:Threaded (NPT) Fitting; Other (Special)
    Sensor Termination Type:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires
    Basic Element Used:RTD
    Element Configuration:Single Element
    Sensed Temperature:-40 to 212 F (-40 to 100 C)
    Probe Configuration:Straight Probe
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Thermistor Temperature Probes
    Application:Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available
    Probe Configuration:Straight Probe
    Process Connection:Threaded (NPT) Fitting; Other (Special)
    Sensed Temperature:-40 to 212 F (-40 to 100 C)
    Sensitive Length:0.1600 to 4 inch (4.06 to 102 mm)
    Sensor Termination Type:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires / 裸露 / 绝缘引线
    Shock Survivability:10 g
    Vibration Survivability:10 g
    Basic Element Used:RTD; Thermistor (optional feature)
    Element Configuration:Single Element
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built in alarm indicator
    重复性 :0.2500 +/-inch (6.35 +/-mm)
    工作温度:40 to 120 F (4.44 to 48.89 C)
    产品类别:Level Sensors
    Measuring Range:0.0 to 30 inch (0.0 to 762 mm)
    Level Measurement Type:Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    Meter Technology Type:Other
    Mounting Options:Top Mount
    Device Classification:Sensor System
    Number of Switch Points Range:1 to 4 (#)
    Media Type:Liquid
    Output Options:AnalogCurrent
    Material Temperature Range:32 to 212 F (0.0 to 100 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    AC Voltage:240 volts
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature; Level
    Approvals:ATEX; European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization; FM, NFPA Code 30 Compliance
    Current:6 amps
    DC Voltage:24 volts
    Electrical Output:Switch; Voltage
    End Fittings:Threaded
    Media Temperature:-40 to 350 F (-40 to 177 C)
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 3500 psi (0.0 to 2463 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:0.75 inch (19.05 mm)
    Poles:Single Pole (optional feature); Double Pole (optional feature)
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Switch Type:Electro-mechanical
    Throws:Double Throw
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.2500 to 120 ft/sec (0.0762 to 36.58 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    AC Voltage:240 volts
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature; Level
    Approvals:ATEX; IEC, IECEx, NFPA Code 30 Compliance
    Current:6 amps
    DC Voltage:24 volts
    Electrical Output:Switch; Voltage
    End Fittings:Threaded
    Media Temperature:-40 to 350 F (-40 to 177 C)
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 3500 psi (0.0 to 2463 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:0.75 inch (19.05 mm)
    Poles:Single Pole (optional feature); Double Pole (optional feature)
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Switch Type:Electro-mechanical
    Throws:Double Throw
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.3000 to 120 ft/sec (0.0914 to 36.58 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    特征:Sanitary Applications Rated
    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Electrical Output:Switch
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.0100 to 120 ft/sec (0.0030 to 36.58 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature; Level
    Media Temperature:-100 to 500 F (-73 to 260 C)
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    Approvals:ATEX; Canadian Standards Association; European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization; FCI, NFPA Code 30 Compliance
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid; Gas
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 2350 psi (0.0 to 1654 m H2O)
    Electrical Output:Switch
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature
    Approvals:ATEX; Canadian Standards Association; European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization; FM, CE, NFPA Code 30 Compliance
    Media Temperature:-100 to 500 F (-73 to 260 C)
    End Fittings:Threaded
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.0100 to 120 ft/sec (0.0030 to 36.58 m/sec)
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 to 1.00 inch (6.35 to 25.4 mm)
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Gas Volumetric Flow Rate:0.0100 to 559 SCFM (0.0170 to 950 m³/hr)
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged; In-line Threaded
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Media Temperature:0 to 250 F (-18 to 121 C)
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA, NEPSI, CE Marking, CPA, PED, CRN
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Electrical Output:Analog Current; Frequency
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 to 2.00 inch (6.35 to 50.8 mm)
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 600 psi (0.0 to 422 m H2O)
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.3000 to 400 ft/sec (0.0914 to 122 m/sec)
    Electrical Output:Current
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse
    End Fittings:Compression
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 500 psi (0.0 to 352 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 to 24.00 inch (50.8 to 610 mm)
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Media Temperature:0 to 250 F (-18 to 121 C)
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA (Kazakhstan), NEPSI, CE Marking, CRN
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Electrical Output:Analog Current; Frequency (optional feature); Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 to 24.00 inch (50.8 to 610 mm)
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.7500 to 400 ft/sec (0.2286 to 122 m/sec)
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 500 psi (0.0 to 352 m H2O)
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Approvals:ATEX; CE
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:0 to 130 F (-18 to 54 C)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged (optional feature); In-line Threaded (optional feature)
    Media Temperature:-40 to 500 F (-40 to 260 C)
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter
    Pipe Diameter:2.50 to 100.00 inch (63.5 to 2540 mm)
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital (optional feature); Network/Fieldbus (optional feature); 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse, HART, Foundation, PROFIBUS, Modbus
    Operating Pressure:50 to 500 psi (35.19 to 352 m H2O)
    Electrical Output:Current (optional feature); Switch (optional feature)
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IEC, CPA, CE
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:2 ±%
    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Media Temperature:0 to 350 F (-18 to 177 C)
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA (Kazakhstan), NEPSI, CE Marking, CRN, SIL
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 to 24.00 inch (50.8 to 610 mm)
    End Fittings:Compression
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 500 psi (0.0 to 352 m H2O)
    Electrical Output:Current
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.3000 to 400 ft/sec (0.0914 to 122 m/sec)
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse, HART, Modbus
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    精度:2 ±%
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 to 2.00 inch (6.35 to 50.8 mm)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse, HART, Modbus
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Electrical Output:Analog Current; Frequency
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA, NEPSI, CE Marking, CPA, PED, CRN, SIL
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 600 psi (0.0 to 422 m H2O)
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged; In-line Threaded
    Media Temperature:0 to 250 F (-18 to 121 C)
    Gas Volumetric Flow Rate:0.0100 to 559 SCFM (0.0170 to 950 m³/hr)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:2 ±%
    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged; In-line Threaded
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Media Temperature:0 to 250 F (-18 to 121 C)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse, HART, Modbus
    Electrical Output:Analog Current; Frequency
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA, NEPSI, CE Marking, CPA, PED, CRN, SIL
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 to 2.00 inch (6.35 to 50.8 mm)
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 600 psi (0.0 to 422 m H2O)
    Gas Volumetric Flow Rate:0.0100 to 559 SCFM (0.0170 to 950 m³/hr)
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:2 ±%
    工作温度:0 to 140 F (-18 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital; 4-20 mA Analog, Frequency/Pulse
    Display:Digital (optional feature)
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 600 psi (0.0 to 422 m H2O)
    Gas Volumetric Flow Rate:0.0100 to 559 SCFM (0.0170 to 950 m³/hr)
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IECEx, EAC (TRCU) Russia, Kazakh MPA, NEPSI, CE Marking, CPA, PED, CRN
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 to 2.00 inch (6.35 to 50.8 mm)
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Electrical Output:Analog Current; Frequency
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged; In-line Threaded
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Media Temperature:0 to 250 F (-18 to 121 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    Display:Digital Display
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter
    Meter Technology:Mass; Thermal
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IEC, ATEX
    Electrical Output:Analog Current
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 1000 psi (0.0 to 704 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:? to 850 F (? to 454 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C)
    产品类别:Gas Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Mass Flow Meter
    Media Temperature:? to 850 F (? to 454 C)
    Additional Variables Measured:Temperature
    Meter Technology:Thermal
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 inch (50.8 mm)
    Operating Pressure:0.0 to 1000 psi (0.0 to 704 m H2O)
    Front Panel Interface:Digital Front Panel
    Approvals:ATEX; FM, FMc, IEC, ATEX
    Process Media Type:Gas
    Electrical Output:Current
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