企業文化的形成,可以說是經由經營理念長期孕育而來。碁進的經營理念,歸納起來,是以「熱誠、服務、專業、負責」的態度追求與客戶共同成長,並且以「止於至善」做為最終的努力目標。碁進儀器股份有限公司 位於台灣台北,成立以來專注於儀器銷售與服務,並且為:德國Lauda、日本電色、英國Radley、瑞典Opsis、瑞士Mettler、丹麥Ellab、瑞士Rheonics、Fungilab、Lamy、美國Trilos、FMI、日本島津Shimadzu、Ezdo等專業總代理 。並自有品牌GA生物安全操作台 。本公司藉由符合國際規範跟標準化的精密校準服務,致力提升精密量測儀器准度,期許客戶100%滿意。
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA432-3PL 秤和天平

    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    分辨率 :5.00E-4 lbs (2.27E-4 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA432-60SL 秤和天平

    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    分辨率 :0.0100 lbs (0.0045 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    容量 :120 lbs (54.42 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA432-6PL 秤和天平

    分辨率 :1.00E-3 lbs (4.54E-4 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA442-15SD 秤和天平

    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0020 lbs (9.07E-4 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA442-35SD 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    分辨率 :0.0050 lbs (0.0023 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA442-3PD 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    分辨率 :5.00E-4 lbs (2.27E-4 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA442-60SD 秤和天平

    容量 :120 lbs (54.42 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0100 lbs (0.0045 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    材料 :Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA442-6PD 秤和天平

    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    分辨率 :1.00E-3 lbs (4.54E-4 kg)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA462-15ST 秤和天平

    分辨率 :0.0020 lbs (9.07E-4 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA462-35ST 秤和天平

    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    分辨率 :0.0050 lbs (0.0023 kg)
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA462-3PT 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    分辨率 :5.00E-4 lbs (2.27E-4 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA462-60ST 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :120 lbs (54.42 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0100 lbs (0.0045 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBA462-6PT 秤和天平

    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    分辨率 :1.00E-3 lbs (4.54E-4 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    材料 :Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK422 - 35 Paint Mixing Scale 秤和天平

    产品类型:Other Scale; Paint Mixing Scale
    容量 :77.4 lbs (35.1 kg)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :Other; IP43
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    宽度 :350 to ? inch (8890 to ? mm)
    长度 :240 to ? inch (6096 to ? mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Serial
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK422-15SM 秤和天平

    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    分辨率 :1.00E-4 lbs (4.54E-5 kg)
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK422-35SM 秤和天平

    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    分辨率 :2.00E-4 lbs (9.07E-5 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK422-3PM 秤和天平

    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    分辨率 :2.00E-5 lbs (9.07E-6 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK422-6PM 秤和天平

    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    分辨率 :5.00E-5 lbs (2.27E-5 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK432-15SL 秤和天平

    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    分辨率 :1.00E-4 lbs (4.54E-5 kg)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK432-35SL 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    分辨率 :2.00E-4 lbs (9.07E-5 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK432-3PL 秤和天平

    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    分辨率 :2.00E-4 lbs (9.07E-5 kg)
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK432-6DSM 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :2.65 to 13.45 lbs (1.2 to 6.1 kg)
    分辨率 :0.2205 to 2.21 lbs (0.1000 to 1 kg)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    评级/认证 :Other; OIML, CSA, CE, IP43
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK432-6PL 秤和天平

    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    分辨率 :5.00E-5 lbs (2.27E-5 kg)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK442-15SD 秤和天平

    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    分辨率 :1.00E-4 lbs (4.54E-5 kg)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK442-35SD 秤和天平

    分辨率 :2.00E-4 lbs (9.07E-5 kg)
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
1 2 3 4 5 ... 12

