我们公司主要代理中国台湾品牌Filtrafine的过滤器,滤壳,滤芯,滤袋等,Filtrafine从事研发和生产滤心、滤袋和过滤器等净化产品。经过32年的发展,公司和客户建立了稳固的合作关系,通过经济可行的方案,为客户解决各种复杂的过滤和净化问题。公司产品在工业领域应用广泛,包括化学处理、半导体行业、LCD&PDP生产线、油类和气体过滤、水处理(包括超纯水处理)、食品行业、饮料业、制药业,且于上述各领域皆受到客户高度的信赖与倚重.我们公司专业提供进口工业自动化设备,自动化控制,传感器,编码器,阀门,泵,过滤器,机器人,液压设备,切削工具,压力开关,点火器,控制器,专业工业自动化解决方案众多企业信赖的伙伴,德国欧美品牌价格优势-值得您选择! 优势品牌 FILTRAFINE滤壳FILTRAFINE滤芯GEORGIN压差开关GEORGIN温 度开关GEORGIN乐力传感哭代理ECODORA气动油泵现货METTLE梅特勒探头METTLER梅特勒传感器斯派莎克spiraxsarcocr阀门斯派莎克spiraxsarcocn安全阀斯派莎克spiraxsarcocn疏水阀JUMO久茂压力变送器现货久茂JUMO变送器代理REXROTH压力传感器现货力士乐REXROTH换向阀现货力士乐REXROTH电磁阀现货AVENTICS隔膜式气缸代理安士能EUCHNER手轮现货萨姆森SAMSON定位器现货德国KLH水泵等代理。
  • Euchner 安士能 TK 安全传感器开关

    "EUCHNER Safety Switches are used to protect personnel by monitoring and interrupting the safety circuit depending on the position of the machine guard. The locking solenoid holds the guard closed until a stored energy hazard has dissipated. It can also prevent damage to a part in process due to an inadvertent machine shutdown. To meet current worldwide standards, safety interlock components cannot be easily bypassed. These switches have positive opening contacts (in accordance to NFPA 79) and redundancy to guarantee that they fail to a safe state. The TK switch utilizes the same body as the TP switch however has a metal actuating head and locking pin. This unique switch does not require a separate actuator just a separate hole on the door opposite of the actuating pin of the switch."

