苏州康洋自动化有限公司 注册地址位于苏州市吴中区经济开发区东吴南路165号2幢三层A-01工位(集群登记),注册机关为苏州市吴中区市场监督管理局,法人代表为赵莲花,经营范围包括一般项目:工业自动控制系统装置制造;工业自动控制系统装置销售;光伏设备及元器件制造;光伏设备及元器件销售;通用设备制造(不含特种设备制造);通用零部件制造;五金产品批发;仪器仪表制造;仪器仪表销售;电力电子元器件制造;网络技术服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;工业控制计算机及系统制造;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;劳动保护用品销售;日用百货销售(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。
  • Shimadzu 岛津 Comprehensive GCxGC System 气相色谱仪

    显示方式:Video Display
    仪表类型 :Fixtured
    应用领域:Agricultural Chemicals / Pesticides; Cosmetics / Fragrances; Drugs / Pharmaceutical; Environmental; Food / Beverage; Forensics / Narcotics; Industrial Gases; Inorganic Chemicals; Metals / Welding; Organic Chemicals; Paper / Pulp / Wood; Petroleum
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    远程接口:Computer Interface
    一般特征 :Programmable
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 GC-2010 Plus 气相色谱仪

    烤箱操作:Oven; Temperature Programmable
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    探测器类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector; Flame Ionization Detector; Electron Capture Detector; Flame Photometric Detector; FTD
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    应用领域:Cosmetics / Fragrances; Industrial Gases; Organic Chemicals; Thermal Decomposition
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Application Software Included.
    烘箱温度范围 :122 to 536 F (50 to 280 C)
    入口压力范围 :0.0 to 141 psi (0.0 to 99.01 m H2O)
    显示方式:Video Display
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    一般特征 :Programmable; Built in Chromatograph; Self Test, Diagnostics
  • Shimadzu 岛津 GC-2014 气相色谱仪

    应用领域:Industrial Gases; Petroleum
    探测器类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector; Flame Ionization Detector; Electron Capture Detector; Flame Photometric Detector; FTD
    显示方式:Digital Readout;Video Display
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection; Packed Column Injection ;Other
    入口压力范围 :0.0 to 141 psi (0.0 to 99.01 m H2O)
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    烤箱操作:Oven; Temperature Programmable
    烘箱温度范围 :44.6 to 752 F (7 to 400 C)
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    远程接口:Computer Interface
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Built in Chromatograph; Self Test, Diagnostics; Data Storage
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 GC-8A 气相色谱仪

    应用领域:Dedicated Applications ;Other
    探测器类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector; Flame Ionization Detector; Electron Capture Detector; Flame Photometric Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout;Analog Meter
    仪表类型 :Fixtured
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage
    烤箱操作:Oven; Isothermal; Temperature Programmable
    烘箱温度范围 :39.2 to 750 F (4 to 399 C)
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 GCMS-QP2010 SE 气相色谱仪

    探测器类型:Metal Quadruapole Mass Filter ;Other
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    远程接口:Application Software Included.
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    仪表类型 :Portable
    烘箱温度范围 :32 to 842 F (0.0 to 450 C)
    入口压力范围 :0.0 to 141 psi (0.0 to 99.01 m H2O)
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 GCMS-QP2010 Ultra 气相色谱仪

    显示方式:Digital Readout
    仪表类型 :Portable
    烘箱温度范围 :32 to 842 F (0.0 to 450 C)
    入口压力范围 :0.0 to 141 psi (0.0 to 99.01 m H2O)
    探测器类型:Metal Quadruapole Mass Filter
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    远程接口:Application Software Included.
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 MDGC&GCMS-2010 气相色谱仪

    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection; Packed Column Injection;Other
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    输出选项 :Switch or Relay Contact
    应用领域:Agricultural Chemicals / Pesticides; Industrial Gases; Inorganic Chemicals; Organic Chemicals; Petroleum
    烤箱操作:Oven; Temperature Programmable
    烘箱温度范围 :39.2 to 662 F (4 to 350 C)
    探测器类型:Flame Ionization Detector; Flame Photometric Detector
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Application Software Included.
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    一般特征 :Programmable; Built in Chromatograph
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Shimadzu 岛津 Twin Line GCMS 气相色谱仪

    仪表类型 :Portable
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs

