3xmaker 合越智能
南京合越智能科技有限公司 专注于提供智能机器人增强交互传感器、柔性印刷电子传感器、运动与可穿戴传感器在物联网、医联网、增强现实、智能可穿戴等领域的感知、测量、测试与新型人机交互与人机协作技术的研发创新与物联网行业应用解决方案及相关柔性电子、印刷电子及其多材料增材制造服务与实验室建设。我们的使命用柔性电子与可穿戴智能技术模拟自然世界的天赋,增强人类感知与环境交互能力!3xmaker产品将竭尽所能满足您的一切需求,我们的产品线包括∞ 人工智能型机器人:柔性协作机器人、机械臂、集群控制与网络化多智能体物联技术解决方案;∞ 仿生机器人零部件:灵巧手末端执行器、仿生机器人人工肌肉、柔性感知技术方案;∞ 机器人电子皮肤、视觉、触觉、力觉等人机协作交互传感器;∞ 柔性传感器(压力、力、位移、温度、热等)创新测量技术服务与物联网行业应用解决方案;∞ 智能交互数据手套、脑机控制、手势交互等工业增强可穿戴传感器与人机交互应用解决方案;∞人机交互动作捕捉系统、触觉、力反馈设备;∞ 柔性印刷电子增材制造科研装备、多复合材料嵌入式3D打印科研装备、打样及科研定制服务、科研项目技术合作。南京合越智能科技有限公司,我们的技能范围从物理原型造型设计,基于多材料结构电子一体化3D打印与印刷技术的物理样机的开发和交付,一直到接口设计、传感感知数据分析与柔性传感器测量测试服务,再到推动用户参与产品体验的数据科学和人机工程学评估。 3xmaker的核心团队有着超过八年以上的机器人、柔性印刷电子、工控自动化产品技术、营销和推广经验,已在包括研发、教育、自动化、航空航天、军事、医疗、数字艺术、智能服务等领域服务过众多客户。我们的技术团队与各高校的专家组成员会定期或不定期地参加各类厂商的技术培训,不论是高校科研应用还是创新企业开发和产品应用,我们能够提供给您所急需的专业技术支持及系统方案建议。 我们的服务理念产品适用、技术先进、专业融合、场景案例化、服务本地化。我们专注的核心1、 3X技术:生物机电一体化 Biomechatronics;2、 3X智慧:仿生智能 intelligent, 人机环境感知交互 interaction, 人类增强 Argument;3、 3X聚焦:柔性电子增材制造,仿生机电智造装备与解决方案,人类与智能机器人增强感知技术服务。
  • Tekscan BPMS™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:16.8 to 69.61 inch (427 to 1768 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 5 psi (0.0 to 3.52 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0080 inch (0.2032 mm)
    Width:19.2 to 91.02 inch (488 to 2312 mm)
  • Tekscan CONFORMat 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:18.56 inch (471 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:5.08 psi (3.57 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Width:18.56 inch (471 mm)
  • Tekscan F-Scan® 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:12.8 to 19.9 inch (325 to 505 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 125 psi (0.0 to 87.97 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0070 inch (0.1778 mm)
    Width:12.35 to 16.15 inch (314 to 410 mm)
  • Tekscan Footprint Plus™ 触力传感器

    Features:Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:55.9 inch (1420 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Width:63.9 inch (1623 mm)
  • Tekscan Grip™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 50 psi (0.0 to 35.19 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0070 inch (0.1778 mm)
  • Tekscan Hoof™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:6.6 inch (168 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 300 psi (0.0 to 211 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0100 inch (0.2540 mm)
    Width:6.6 inch (168 mm)
  • Tekscan HR Mat 7101E 触力传感器

    Features:Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:17.6 inch (447 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:50 to 160 psi (35.19 to 113 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.5700 inch (14.48 mm)
    Width:19.2 inch (488 mm)
  • Tekscan I-Scan® Evolution™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-20 to 35 F (-28.89 to 1.67 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:25000 psi (17594 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0200 inch (0.5080 mm)
    Width:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
  • Tekscan I-Scan® VersaTek™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-10 to 55 F (-23.33 to 12.78 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:25000 psi (17594 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0200 inch (0.5080 mm)
    Width:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
  • Tekscan I-Scan® Series 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
    Operating Temperature:15 to 200 F (-9.44 to 93.33 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:25000 psi (17594 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0200 inch (0.5080 mm)
    Width:0.1200 to 69 inch (3.05 to 1753 mm)
  • Tekscan I-Scan™. 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
  • Tekscan MatScan® 触力传感器

    Features:Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:36.9 inch (937 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:50 to 125 psi (35.19 to 87.97 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.5700 inch (14.48 mm)
    Width:43.6 inch (1107 mm)
  • Tekscan MobileMat™ 触力传感器

    Features:Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:63.6 inch (1615 mm)
    Operating Temperature:32 to 95 F (0.0 to 35 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    Width:55.9 inch (1420 mm)
  • Tekscan NPAT™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 95 F (-20 to 35 C)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:10 to 4500 psi (7.04 to 3167 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.8000 inch (20.32 mm)
  • Tekscan SB Mat™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:71.4 inch (1814 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.3100 inch (7.87 mm)
    Width:122 inch (3104 mm)
  • Tekscan Strideway™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:102 to 256 inch (2591 to 6492 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 125 psi (0.0 to 87.97 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.9100 inch (23.11 mm)
    Width:36 inch (914 mm)
  • Tekscan T-Scan™ Novus™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
  • Tekscan TireScan™ 触力传感器

    Features:Electronic/Digital Image
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 600 psi (0.0 to 422 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0080 inch (0.2032 mm)
  • Tekscan Walkway™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:13.4 to 42 inch (340 to 1067 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 125 psi (0.0 to 87.97 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0040 inch (0.1016 mm)
    Width:10.2 to 139 inch (259 to 3531 mm)
  • Tekscan Wiper™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Length:0.4000 to 0.8100 inch (10.16 to 20.57 mm)
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 10 psi (0.0 to 7.04 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.1000 inch (2.54 mm)
    Width:24 to 32 inch (610 to 813 mm)
  • Tekscan K-Scan™ 触力传感器

    Features:Flexible; Electronic/Digital Image
    Output Type:Other;Digital
    Pressure Range:0.0 to 10000 psi (0.0 to 7038 m H2O)
    Product Category:Tactile Pressure Sensors
    Technology:Active Pressure Sensor Arrays
    Thickness:0.0040 inch (0.1016 mm)

