  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. ALS-40 Infrared Laser Illuminator 热像仪

  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. ATOM 1024 Uncooled LW IR Camera Modules 热像仪

    Incorporates a 1024x768 microbolometer detector array having state-of-the-art 17µm pixel pitch technology to deliver extremely high resolution in an XGA format. Because of the camera’s extremely high resolution, small compact size and low power consumption, the ATOM 1024 is ideally suited for a wide range of military and COTS thermal imaging systems. The ATOM 1024’s short thermal time constant produces superior thermal image quality, even while imaging fast moving objects, making the system an ideal choice for handheld, ground vehicle and airborne EOIR platforms, advanced fusion-based night vision systems as well as high performance commercial systems.
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. ATOM 640 Uncooled OEM Camera Module 热像仪

    Integrates advanced miniaturized electronics and state-of-the-art 17 micron pixel technology into the world’s smallest high resolution thermal imaging module. Consuming less than 1W and with a tiny size, the ATOM 640 high performance thermal imager is ideal for integration into handheld thermal imaging product and small unmanned platforms. Available in both military and commercial qualified models, the ATOM 640 delivers exceptional image quality and includes a rich set of software features and user interface options.
  • LYNRED ATOM™ 1024 - Uncooled Infrared Camera 热像仪

    ATOM™ 1024集成了ULIS先进的全硅1024x768微测辐射热计探测器阵列和最先进的17微米像素间距技术,以XGA格式提供极高的分辨率。由于该相机体积小、功耗低,ATOM 1024易于集成,非常适合于各种军用和COTS热成像系统。ATOM 1024的短热时间常数可产生优异的热图像质量,即使在对快速移动的物体进行成像时,该系统也是手持、地面车辆和机载EOIR平台以及先进的基于融合的夜视系统的理想选择。
  • LYNRED ATOM™ 640 - Uncooled OEM Camera Module 热像仪

    ATOM™ 640将先进的小型电子设备和最先进的17微米像素技术集成到世界上最小的高分辨率热成像模块中。ATOM 640高性能热像仪的功耗小于1W,总体积约为6英寸3,是集成手持热成像产品和小型无人平台的理想选择。ATOM 640有军用和商用两种型号,提供卓越的图像质量,并包括一套丰富的软件功能和用户界面选项。
  • LYNRED Atom™ 1024-DF100&300 Uncooled Camera 热像仪

    ATOM™ 1024-DF100\/300高分辨率非制冷热成像相机包含一个双视场(DFOV)100mm-300mm红外物镜和一个极高分辨率ATOM 1024x768非制冷红外相机。由于采用了最先进的17微米像素间距微测辐射热计和高质量的红外光学元件,ATOM以XGA格式在窄角(3.3° HFOV)和宽(9.9° HFOV)角度提供清晰、高对比度的图像。该相机体积小、功耗低,非常适合于各种军用地面车辆热成像系统。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. Compact Cooled IR Imaging Engine 热像仪

  • LYNRED Cooled IR Imaging Engines: SW, MW, LW and VLW IR 热像仪

    These high performance infrared imaging engines are based on cryogenically cooled MCT infrared detectors. A variety of models are available including short-wave SWIR (800nm - 2.5μm), mid-wave MWIR (3-5μm or 1.5-5µm), and long-wave LWIR (7.7-9.5μm or 7.7-11.5μm) models. Because of their versatility, these engines are ideal for easy integration into a wide range of electro-optical systems delivering exceptional sensitivity and spectral performance. The engines harness the full performance of the Sofradir IDDCAs while offering unique flexibility to meet the needs of any application or OEM requirement. Frame rate and integration time are adjustable. In addition, the camera permits detector sub-windowing at higher frame rates. Camera communication occurs through a serial interface. 14-bit digital data can be streamed via LVDS or through optional Camera Link and\/or Gigabit Ethernet. An IRIG time stamp capability is available as an option. A variety of software developer toolkits (SDKs) and command software modules are available for further flexibility.
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. EZTherm 875 热像仪

    EZTherm 882, 881和875摄像机是理想的红外检测工具在一个容易持有的住房。如下图所示,三种不同的型号具有不同的功能和特点。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. EZTherm 876 热像仪

    EZTherm 885和876摄像机是为专业用户设计的,具有大型铰接式侧面显示屏和许多功能,方便热成像。
  • LYNRED EZTherm 881 热像仪

    EZTherm 882、881和875摄像机是理想的红外检测工具,安装在易于固定的外壳中。有三种不同的型号可供选择,具有各种功能和功能,如下图所示。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. EZTherm 882 热像仪

    EZTherm 882, 881和875摄像机是理想的红外检测工具在一个容易持有的住房。如下图所示,三种不同的型号具有不同的功能和特点。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. EZTherm 885 热像仪

    EZTherm 885和876摄像机是为专业用户设计的,具有大型铰接式侧面显示屏和许多功能,方便热成像。
  • LYNRED ElectroViewer 7215 Handheld Viewer 热像仪

  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. High Performance Cooled Infrared Detectors 热像仪

  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. HotShot HD-B 热像仪

    The building inspection professional's choice in high performance infrared cameras. HotShot HD-B can be used to measure the temperature of objects up to 100°C. The camera integrates state-of-the-art infrared imaging technology including 640x480 resolution, dual-laser target highlighter, mega-pixel visible camera and advanced fusing of thermal\/visible images to greatly improve image interpretation and the quality of infrared inspection reports. Our highly intuitive graphical user touch screen interface puts nearly all commands within a single touch eliminating complex pull down menu controls. HotShot HD is simply the best value on the market today.
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. HotShot HD-S 热像仪

    HotShot HD Portable Infrared Inspection Camera has been designed for the IR inspection professional with many design innovations that make infrared inspections faster and more organized and diagnoses more accurate. The HotShot HD’s 640x480 pixel array delivers stunning image details that when combined with an integrated high quality mega-pixel visible camera greatly improve image interpretation and the quality of inspection reports. Unique to HotShot HD are a unique laser pointer aligned with the measurement spot, the ability to memorize routes to map areas requiring scans, and a touch screen for easy data entry.
  • LYNRED HotShot HD-XT 热像仪

    HotShot高清便携式红外检测摄像机专为红外检测专业人士设计,具有许多设计创新,使红外检测更快、更具组织性和诊断更准确。HotShot HD’s 640x480像素阵列提供了令人惊叹的图像细节,当与集成的高质量百万像素可视摄像头结合时,可大大提高图像判读和检验报告的质量。HotShot HD独有的是与测量点对齐的独特激光指针、记忆路线以绘制需要扫描区域的功能,以及便于数据输入的触摸屏。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. IRE - Cooled Infrared Imaging Engines 热像仪

  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. IRE-320S High Performance Short-wave Infrared Camera 热像仪

    IRE-320S是一种基于MCT的短波红外成像系统,它利用了Sofradir Mars SW焦平面阵列的功率,在800nm到2.5 u00b5m的光谱范围内具有极高的量子效率性能。它利用了,高性能光电技术是1700nm以上短波红外区域成像的理想选择。该相机具有独特的灵活性,可满足任何原始设备制造商的要求或应用,包括二维光谱测量、激光束轮廓和高光谱成像。,相机的红外凝视探测器在快照模式下工作,具有用户可调可变帧和用户可调可变积分时间。那个IRE-320S可以产生校正或未修正的模拟视频输出以及14位数字数据。此外,Sofradir EC还提供各种软件开发工具包(SDK)和命令软件模块,以进一步提高灵活性。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. MicronViewer 7290 Infrared Camera 热像仪

    The MicronViewer is a near infrared video camera with spectral response from 0.4 to 1.9 µm (2.2 µm optional). Simple controls and compact size make the 7290 easy to use. Used by optical telecom component developers, the camera’s combination of high sensitivity, high resolution, compact size and low price have made it the world’s best selling short-wave infrared camera.
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. MicronViewer 7292M Infrared Camera 热像仪

    MicronViewer 7292M是一款高性能近红外相机,用于检测光谱范围从0.4到1.9 u00b5m(2.2µm可选)的近红外辐射。它对于需要高性能、灵活性和最大稳定性的应用程序非常有用。该相机具有一个独立的摄像头和控制单元,便于在使用时进行调整。前面板控制允许各种不同的优化方法。自动/手动增益控制和黑电平选择允许最大限度地提高低对比度成像应用的对比度。着色控制和伽马校正允许优化图像均匀性。
  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. Objective Lenses for C-Mount Cameras 热像仪

  • Sofradir - EC, Inc. Optical Filters for Infrared Cameras 热像仪

  • LYNRED PV320L Thermal Infrared Camera 热像仪

    PV320L是一款独特的宽带红外相机,它集成了高分辨率(320x240)非制冷焦平面阵列和先进功能,包括USB 2.0高速数字输出和内部自动图像校准(AIC)。PV320L的集成硒化锌无条纹探测器窗口提供了最宽的光谱带(2-20微米),是广泛激光束分析和其他宽带光谱应用的理想选择。
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