成都善荣机电设备有限公司 注册地址位于成都市武侯区新南门临江中路6号,注册机关为武侯区市场监督管理局,法人代表为单荣兵,经营范围包括销售:机电设备、五金产品、仪器仪表、电子元器件、化工原料(不含危险化学品)、计算机及辅助设备、照明设备、金属制品、汽车零配件、摩托车零配件、办公用品;货物及技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Gamma Modulator FHG65 干料(粉)料位传感器

    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    显示 :Non-electrical visual or audio output
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries)
    温度范围:-40 to 248 F (-40 to 120 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Gammapilot M FMG60 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    显示 :Non-electrical visual or audio output
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 248 F (-40 to 120 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Levelflex FMP 56&57 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    最大工作压力 :232 psi (163 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 1776 inch (? to 45110 mm)
    测量技术:Radar or Microwave
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    精度(连续水平):0.0800 +/-inch (2.03 +/-mm)
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Liquicap M FTI 51&52 干料(粉)料位传感器

    测量范围 :? to 468 inch (? to 11887 mm)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    介质温度范围:-112 to 392 F (-80 to 200 C)
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent; Frequency / Modulated Frequency
    最大工作压力 :1450 psi (1020 m H2O)
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    温度范围:-58 to 248 F (-50 to 120 C)
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Micropilot M FMR 230&231&240&244&245 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    介质温度范围:-76 to 752 F (-60 to 400 C)
    最大工作压力 :2320 psi (1633 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 2760 inch (? to 70104 mm)
    测量技术:Radar or Microwave
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    精度(连续水平):0.1181 +/-inch (3 +/-mm)
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Recorder/ Totalizer Functions
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-58 to 176 F (-50 to 80 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Micropilot M FMR250 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 392 F (-40 to 200 C)
    最大工作压力 :232 psi (163 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 2748 inch (? to 69799 mm)
    测量技术:Radar or Microwave
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    精度(连续水平):0.5906 +/-inch (15 +/-mm)
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Recorder/ Totalizer Functions
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Minicap FTC 260&262 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    最大工作压力 :90 psi (63.34 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 236 inch (? to 5994 mm)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Current; Frequency / Modulated Frequency
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Nivector FTC968 干料(粉)料位传感器

    输出选项 :Analog Voltage
    最大工作压力 :87 psi (61.23 m H2O)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Side mount
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    温度范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Prosonic S FDU 90&91&91F&92&93&95&96 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    最大工作压力 :58 psi (40.82 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 2760 inch (? to 70104 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    精度(连续水平):0.0787 +/-inch (2 +/-mm)
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries)
    温度范围:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Prosonic S FDU90 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    最大工作压力 :58 psi (40.82 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 2760 inch (? to 70104 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    精度(连续水平):0.0787 +/-inch (2 +/-mm)
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries)
    温度范围:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Silopilot M FMM50 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    介质温度范围:-4 to 446 F (-20 to 230 C)
    最大工作压力 :43.5 psi (30.61 m H2O)
    测量范围 :? to 2760 inch (? to 70104 mm)
    测量技术:Mechanical or Magnetic Floats
    安装选项 :Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    精度(连续水平):1.97 +/-inch (50 +/-mm)
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Solicap M FTI 55&56 干料(粉)料位传感器

    测量范围 :? to 864 inch (? to 21946 mm)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent; Frequency / Modulated Frequency
    最大工作压力 :362 psi (255 m H2O)
    介质温度范围:-58 to 356 F (-50 to 180 C)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    温度范围:-50 to 158 F (-45.56 to 70 C)
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Solicap S FTI77 干料(粉)料位传感器

    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    测量范围 :? to 780 inch (? to 19812 mm)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent; Frequency / Modulated Frequency
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    最大工作压力 :145 psi (102 m H2O)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-58 to 752 F (-50 to 400 C)
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator; Programmable
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-58 to 158 F (-50 to 70 C)
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Soliphant M FTM 50&51&52 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Other
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-60 to 540 F (-51.11 to 282 C)
    最大工作压力 :360 psi (253 m H2O)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Analog Current; Frequency / Modulated Frequency
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    特征 :Programmable
    温度范围:-60 to 160 F (-51.11 to 71.11 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Soliphant T FTM 20&21 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor Only
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-40 to 300 F (-40 to 149 C)
    最大工作压力 :360 psi (253 m H2O)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 (#)
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    特征 :Programmable
    温度范围:-40 to 160 F (-40 to 71.11 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    重复性(点级):0.0400 +/-inch (1.02 +/-mm)
  • Endress+Hauser ( E+H ) 恩德斯豪斯 Soliswitch FTE31 干料(粉)料位传感器

    介质温度范围:-4 to 170 F (-20 to 76.67 C)
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    显示 :Non-electrical visual or audio output
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    开关点数量范围:1 #
    最大工作压力 :25 psi (17.59 m H2O)
    测量技术:Rotation Paddle
    特征 :Built in alarm indicator
    温度范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors

