浙江永怡电气有限公司简称:'永怡电气',坐落于著名的“中国电器之都”--柳市。公司为机电设备自动化行业提供方便、精准、快速、安全的产品服务。本着“服务赢得客户、服务赢得市场”的服务理念,在多年发展历程中,创造了供应模式及服务模式,作为机电设备自动化行业专业供应商,我们为中国供应商、经销商和采购商提供产品、技术、应用、商务、采购、现代物流等位服务,让买家寻找产品越来越简单,让卖家的生意越来越通畅。  我们专业销售:接触器.断路器.伺服,编码器,传感器,互感器、开关电源,仪器仪表,防爆电器,墙壁开关等高低压工控产品、主要销售品牌:日本OMRON、富士、瑞典ABB、松下电工、德国西门子、图尔克.金钟穆勒、魏德米勒、倍加福、上海人民、正泰电器、德力西、中国人民电器、美国GE、美国派克、诺冠、威图、台湾研华、苏州特雷卡、三菱、三肯、SMC,FESTO,亚德客等知名品牌系列产品。   企业秉承“为客户创造价值、为企业创造意愿、为员工创造机会、为社会创造效益”的历史使命,把每一项工作都做到精益求精,永怡电气有限公司以极大的热情致力于创造和实现富有效力的企业管理模式,并逐步向制造业信息化应用服务提供商(B2B、B2C商城网站)的业务领域拓展,通过B2B、B2C商城网站平台为更多企业提供更多的信息价值,包括设计、制造、采购、管理、销售等各个业务环节的信息化服务,大大增强了企业核心竞争力。永怡电气一直以来都注重于服务,自2010年创立以来,员工充分理解客户的需求并竭尽全力为之服务。可信赖的永怡电气客户服务代表和专业销售人员,将为客户的采购工作提供全面解决方案。当天定货,当天发货,随时随地帮您解决工作难题。   公司致力于成为中国企业机电设备自动化配件产品采购的贴心顾问,永怡电气将向每一位访问者提供丰富的产品信息、全面的选型资料、快速的产品搜索、便捷的价格查询、方便的报价申请和流畅的产品订购来节省您宝贵的采购时间和精力。   
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 39.37 inch (0.0 to 1000 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    量程:0.0 to 0.3900 inch (0.0 to 9.91 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-028 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact ;Other
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    量程:0.0 to 1.1 inch (0.0 to 27.94 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 59.06 inch (0.0 to 1500 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5041 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:1.00E-5 inch (2.54E-4 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5121 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0300 to 4.72 inch (0.7620 to 120 mm)
    T/R 间隔:11.81 to 39.37 inch (300 to 1000 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    精度:±0.32 Mil (8µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    量程:0.0100 to 1.18 inch (0.2540 to 29.97 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:1.00E-3 to 0.2400 inch (0.0254 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Video / Imaging; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.02 Mil (0.5µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-040 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:5.00E-6 inch (1.27E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    重复性:±0.005 Mil (0.15µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-065 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    最小分辨率:7.00E-6 inch (1.78E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers

