苏州索锐达信息科技有限公司创建于2000年,一直致力于从事条码打印设备、条码阅读设备、条码耗材(标签纸、碳带、收银纸等)、POS收银产品,以及企业数据采集、处理和通讯等信息自动识别领域。  本公司经过多年的努力和创新,已建立了较多良好地客户关系,我公司现已成为台湾半导体(TSC)条码打印机华东区总代,台湾杰米纳(JIEMINA)条码打印机国内经销商,与此同时,我公司还经销美国斑马(Zebra)、INTERMEC、森宝(Symbol)、码捷(Metrologic);台湾Argox、Godex;日本佐藤(SATO)、东芝(TEC)等公司的一系列产品。         本公司现拥有大批多年从事应用软件开发、硬件设计、系统集成的人员,以及经验丰富、知识全面的营销队伍。为了更好地为客户服务,苏州力象电脑有限公司将于于2006年投资建立标签加工厂,做到排版、磨切、分切一条龙,现可根据客户需要制定不同规格的标签。
  • Festo 费斯托 565405 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565406 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565409 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565407 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565408 气体流量计

    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    气体体积流量 :0.3531 to 35.31 SCFM (0.6002 to 60.02 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565385 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565386 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565387 气体流量计

    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565388 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0035 to 0.3531 SCFM (0.0060 to 0.6002 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565397 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565398 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565393 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565394 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565399 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565400 气体流量计

    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565395 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565396 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0706 to 7.06 SCFM (0.1200 to 12 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565389 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565390 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565391 气体流量计

    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565392 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    气体体积流量 :0.0177 to 1.77 SCFM (0.0300 to 3 m³/hr)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565401 气体流量计

    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565402 气体流量计

    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565403 气体流量计

    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    电气输出:Analog Current; Switch
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    显示 :Digital
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
  • Festo 费斯托 565404 气体流量计

    工作压力 :0.0 to 145 psi (0.0 to 102 m H2O)
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    终端配件:In-line Threaded
    介质温度 :32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C)
    仪表类型:Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量 :0.2119 to 21.19 SCFM (0.3601 to 36.01 m³/hr)
    电气输出:Switch; Voltage
    显示 :Digital
    产品类别 :Gas Flow Meters
    常态:Normally Open (optional feature); Normally Closed (optional feature)
    Switch Type:Solid State
1 2 3

