上海智川工贸有限公司 创建于2006年,宗旨是成为一家使客户提高成本效率、为客户提供MROP产品(维护,维修,运行和生产)和相关服务的优质供应商。主要经销工控自动化品牌,为国内厂家提供国外工控、自动化设备和配件。在香港设有分公司,在欧洲和美国拥有多家协作公司。上海智川工贸有限公司现有超过50名员工,分布在上海,南昌和山东,包括区域性销售和产品销售。我们拥有广泛的客户群体,我们的客户包括欧美独资企业,欧美合资企业,中国国营企业和民营企业。在金属加工业,航空工业和传统工业中,上海智川以其信誉和地处上海的优势,吸引了大量的拥有高学历的、有才华的和充满动力激情的优秀员工服务于生产性企业客户的各种需求。公司长期代理销售韩国CPS拖链、软管、接头;    瑞士SCHNEEBERGER导轨、滑块,TRAFAG开关、传感器,CESOVENT风扇、风机;日本MIDORI电位器、传感器,KYOWA传感器,MELEC驱动器、控制器,NIPPON泵、限位开关,SANREX功率调整器、可控硅、模块; 意大利ROLLON导轨、滑块,意大利GALDABINI自动试验机、模块,CALZONI卡桑尼马达,FINMOTOR滤波器,FINDER继电器;英国Twiflex离合器、制动器、刹车抱闸,ROTORK减速箱,PARVALUX伺服电机、减速机,DOMNICKHUNTER滤芯、过滤器;法国GEORGIN压力开关、压力传感器,CELDUC开关、继电器;美国WARNER离合器,SLO-SYN伺服电机、步进电机、驱动器,BOSTON减速机,METRIX变送器、前置器;德国IGUS电缆、拖链,FRAKO电容器、控制器,KNOLL泵,DUSTERLOH电机,GMN电主轴,TANDLER减速机、齿轮箱,STORZ液压缸,Knorr-Bremse空压机、安全阀,STEMMANN-TECHNIK光缆耦合器,电缆、拖链系统,SCHENCK称重传感器
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTL-SF75-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:120 milliseconds
    光谱范围:8 to 14 microns (8 to 14 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:-58 to 1787 F (-50 to 975 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLC-2SF45-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Serial (optional feature)
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:10 milliseconds
    光谱范围:4.24 microns (4.24 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:392 to 2642 F (200 to 1450 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLC-4SF45-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Serial (optional feature)
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:10 milliseconds
    光谱范围:3.9 microns (3.9 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:392 to 2642 F (200 to 1450 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLC-6SF45-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Serial (optional feature)
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:10 milliseconds
    光谱范围:4.64 microns (4.64 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:392 to 2642 F (200 to 1450 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLF-SF50-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:9 milliseconds
    光谱范围:8 to 14 microns (8 to 14 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:-58 to 1787 F (-50 to 975 C)
    Percent of Reading:1 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLG-SF45L-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:120 milliseconds
    光谱范围:5 microns (5 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:212 to 2192 F (100 to 1200 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLG-SF70H-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:80 milliseconds
    光谱范围:5 microns (5 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :0.9000 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:482 to 3002 F (250 to 1650 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLGF-SF45H-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:10 milliseconds
    光谱范围:5 microns (5 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:392 to 2642 F (200 to 1450 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLGF-SF45H1-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:10 milliseconds
    光谱范围:5 microns (5 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:752 to 3002 F (400 to 1650 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.5000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-1H1SF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:1472 to 3992 F (800 to 2200 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-1HSF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:1202 to 3272 F (650 to 1800 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-1LSF150-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:905 to 1922 F (485 to 1050 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-2H1SF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1.6 microns (1.6 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:914 to 3632 F (490 to 2000 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-2HSF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1.6 microns (1.6 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:725 to 2912 F (385 to 1600 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-2LSF150-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1.6 microns (1.6 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:482 to 1472 F (250 to 800 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-3H1SF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:2.3 microns (2.3 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:302 to 720 F (150 to 382 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-3H2SF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:2.3 microns (2.3 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:392 to 2192 F (200 to 1200 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-3H3SF300-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:2.3 microns (2.3 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:752 to 3272 F (400 to 1800 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-3HSF100-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:2.3 microns (2.3 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:212 to 1112 F (100 to 600 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-3LSF60-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:2.3 microns (2.3 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:122 to 707 F (50 to 375 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTLM-5SF150-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:0.5250 microns (0.5250 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    特征:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:1832 to 3632 F (1000 to 2000 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTM-1SF40-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:905 to 1922 F (485 to 1050 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTM-1SF75-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 212 F (-20 to 100 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:1202 to 3272 F (650 to 1800 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTM-1SF75H1-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1 microns (1 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:1472 to 3992 F (800 to 2200 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
  • Micro-Epsilon 米铱 ThermoMETER CTM-2SF40-C3 非接触式红外温度传感器

    电气输出:Current; Voltage; Switched; Serial (optional feature); Other
    工作温度:-4 to 257 F (-20 to 125 C)
    响应时间:1 milliseconds
    光谱范围:1.6 microns (1.6 micrometers)
    传感器技术:Optical Pyrometer; Thermal Pyrometer / Detector (Pyroelectric Detector)
    :1.8 deg F
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.1
    最大冲击:50 g
    最大振动:3 g
    产品类别:Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensors
    温度范围:482 to 1472 F (250 to 800 C)
    Percent of Reading:0.1000 ±%
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