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  • ABB JOKAB SAFETY 佳可宝 Eden Non-Contact Safety Sensor 安全传感器开关

    "Eden - Adam and Eva - is a non-contact safety sensor for use on interlocked gates, hatches, etc. A coded signal is transmitted from the control device Vital or from the safety PLC Pluto via Adam to Eva, which modifies the signal and sends it back again. The maximum sensing distance between Adam and Eva is currently 15mm +\/- 2 mm.","Up to 30 Edens can be connected in series to Vital and still achieve the same safety level in the safety circuit. It is also possible to connect safety light beams and E-stops in the same safety circuit. Adam is available with cable lengths up to 20 m and with M12 connectors.","The LED on Adam provides indication of four different conditions, contact\/non-contact between Adam and Eva, alignment, and safety status. The same information is also available via the Adam connection cable. For harsh environments, Jokab Safety offers Eden E - Adam E and Eva E. There is also a coded version Eden EC, Adam EC and Eva EC.","Applications","Features"

