上海兴拓机械设备有限公司 我司所有的产品直接从境外进货日本、美国、德国为主要货源,能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备配件,解决您多处寻找的麻烦和对产品质量的担心等, 在价格上我们有很大的优势,公司备有大量的现货,是国内库存量Z多的公司之一,欢迎咨询,我们将会给您*质的服务!我们客户遍及石化、化工、化纤、钢铁、食品、饮料、航空.制药、采矿、电力、供水及环保等行业。优势品牌主要有:一、气动品牌德国品牌:德国费斯托FESTO 德国宝德 德国GSR 德国海隆 德国马勒 德国萨姆森SAMSON 日本品牌:日本CKD喜开理 日本小金井KOGANEI 日本SMC 日本NOK 日本TACO 韩国TKC YPC TPC 英国诺冠NORGREN 意大利UNIVER 意大利康茂胜 美国纽蔓蒂克 美国SUN ,中国台湾亚德客 中国台湾金器 (这些气动的主要做电磁阀又分为很多小种,节流阀,减压阀,单向阀,油雾器,过滤器,接头,开关,气管等)美国威尔克森WILKERSON美国ASCO(主要阀门类,具体的上网查)宝德BURKERT 主要做电磁阀,流量开关,传感器,电导率,变送器等二、液压品牌:日本不二越NACHI,日本太阳铁工,美国VICKERS威格士, 美国派克PARKER,德国哈威HAWE,日本丰兴TOYOOKI,日本DAIKIN大金,意大利ATOS阿托斯,德国力士乐REXROTH,这些是液压产品主要做,电磁阀,电磁换向阀,比例阀,溢流阀,放大器,液压泵,齿轮泵,柱塞泵,叶片泵,伺服阀等可以作为参考美国MOOG只做伺服阀三、工控产品德国易福门IFM,德国PILZ皮尔磁,日本SUNX 神视,德国图尔克TURCK,日本基恩士,德国P F倍加福,德国菲尼克斯 ,德国SICK,意大利杰弗伦GEFRAN ,德国西门子,日本欧姆龙,安士能,德国贺德客,德国巴鲁夫,德国玛勒,德国NOVO 主要做传感器,继电器,开关,安全栅,继电器类 德国赫斯蔓主要做交换机四:仪器仪表类:德国E H 罗斯斯蒙特,美国G F :主要做变送器,流量计,压力传感器等公司具有丰富的气动工控液压产品销售经验,多年来与世界各国的著名厂商相继建立了良好的合作关系,所销产品已广泛应用于国内各工业领域,公司依仗品牌的优势,以灵活的经营方式,多渠道,*地为客户提供先进的自动化产品。 在此欢迎新老客户来电垂询,我们将竭诚为您服务,客户的满意,就是我们的成功!
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N10 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11CN 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11CP 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11MN 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11N 光电传感器及开关

    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11P 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12CN 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12N 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12P 光电传感器及开关

    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13CP 光电传感器及开关

    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13N 光电传感器及开关

    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13P 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14N 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14P 光电传感器及开关

    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N15CN 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Height:1.22 inch (31 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:3.31 inch (84 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N15CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Height:1.22 inch (31 mm)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Length:3.31 inch (84 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H1000 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:7.87 to 39.37 inch (200 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H1000L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:7.87 to 39.37 inch (200 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H130 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.37 inch (34.7 mm)
    Length:2.07 inch (52.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:2.17 to 5.12 inch (55 to 130 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.9488 inch (24.1 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H130L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.37 inch (34.7 mm)
    Length:2.07 inch (52.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:2.17 to 5.12 inch (55 to 130 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.9488 inch (24.1 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H45 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.17 inch (29.7 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:0.7874 to 1.77 inch (20 to 45 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.8898 inch (22.6 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H450 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:6.3 to 17.72 inch (160 to 450 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H450L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:6.3 to 17.72 inch (160 to 450 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

