上海由思特自动化设备有限公司 是从事各类传感器生产及仪表,由磁代的公司,作为众多有名传感器、仪表、电磁阀生产厂商在中国的,本司凭借良好的技术力量和综合实力,已被美国PARKER派克,意大利ATOS,德国力十乐,德国费斯托FESTO,意大利阿托斯,德国宝帝BURKERT、日本CKD(喜开理)、日本小金井KOGANEI、德国皮尔磁PILZ、德国易福门IFM、公司为广大用户提供性能优越、价格合理的传感器、仪表、电磁阀产品。主要包括:传感器、仪表、电磁阀等。这些产品广泛应用干化工、石油化工、电力、冶金、环保、大学及科研机构,可满足不同用户的不同产品需求。公司以保证良好的服务为宗旨,与国内各企业建立广泛合作伙伴关系。公司坚持以市场为导向,将不断创新,开发高科技产品.始终以"质量*.用户至上"为宗冒,积极引进*产品和产品技术,不断开发新产品,尽心服务,满足用户的新要求公司以自动化产品的分销、技术支持、工程设计、系统集成为主要经营范围。将作为全面自动化产品、服务和工程系统*越的供应商,为国内制造商、经销商提供全面工控服务的公司。我公司专业产品,以工业自动化为主营,集科工贸于一体的全民科研开发,技术改造,工程服务为中心。我们真诚的希望能在产品销售、采购、工程项目承接,系统开发方面能工贵公司开展多方面地合作。 主要经营地范畴;可编程控制器PLC、低压电器及配电产品,自控器件与传感元件,变频调速器,何服控制系统,开关电源,触摸罪量液压气动,仪器仪表,成套设备,工业计算机及软件、电网保护等等.德国宝得BURKERT,德国易福门IFM,德国PILZ皮尔磁,德国FESTO费斯托,CAMOZZI康茂胜,意大利 ODE电磁阀UNIVER.Vickers.美国ROSSCONTROLS公司博世力士乐.油研yuken.伊顿.美国Parker.丹佛斯DANFOSS.ASCO西门子,赫斯昂系列。,价格和交货期非常有优势 大最现货,欢迎各位来电来函咨询。
  • Pyromation R1T285H Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.5000 inch (3.17 to 12.7 mm)
    感应温度:-328 to 1112 F (-200 to 600 C)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R1T285L Series 温度探头

    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.5000 inch (3.17 to 12.7 mm)
    元件配置:Double Element
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Application Options:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R1T285L483 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.5000 inch (12.7 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:304, 316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R1T285L68R383 Series 温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    元件配置:Double Element
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R1T285L88R483 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    直径或宽度:0.2500 to 0.5000 inch (6.35 to 12.7 mm)
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R1T292H Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    感应温度:-328 to 1112 F (-200 to 600 C)
    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R1T292L Series 温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    元件配置:Double Element
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R24R Series 温度探头

    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.3750 to 0.8750 inch (9.52 to 22.22 mm)
    元件配置:Single Element; Double Element (optional feature)
    感应区长度:12 to 36 inch (305 to 914 mm)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead)
    护套材料:Alumina, Mullite
    工艺连接:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Other (Special) (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R24U Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element; Double Element (optional feature)
    感应温度:1800 to 2700 F (982 to 1482 C)
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    工艺连接:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Other (Special) (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    感应区长度:12 to 36 inch (305 to 914 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R26R Series 温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.3750 to 0.8750 inch (9.52 to 22.22 mm)
    元件配置:Single Element; Double Element (optional feature)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    感应区长度:12 to 36 inch (305 to 914 mm)
    工艺连接:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Other (Special) (optional feature)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead)
    护套材料:Alumina, Mullite
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R26U Series 温度探头

    感应温度:1800 to 2700 F (982 to 1482 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    元件配置:Single Element; Double Element (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:12 to 36 inch (305 to 914 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Other (Special) (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R3T185L Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element
    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T185L(156)83 Series 温度探头

    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1562 inch (3.97 mm)
    元件配置:Single Element
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T185L(156)84 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element
    感应温度:-59.8 to 320 F (-51 to 160 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1562 inch (3.97 mm)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Splash Proof, Watertight or Direct Immersion; Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available
  • Pyromation R3T185L483 Series 温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    元件配置:Single Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T185L68R383 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R3T185L88R483 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element
    直径或宽度:0.2500 to 0.5000 inch (6.35 to 12.7 mm)
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T192L Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Single Element
    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T285L Series 温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    元件配置:Double Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T285L483 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.5000 inch (12.7 mm)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:304, 316 Stainless Steel
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T285L68R383 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T285L88R483 Series 温度探头

    元件配置:Double Element
    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.2500 to 0.5000 inch (6.35 to 12.7 mm)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R3T292L Series 温度探头

    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    元件配置:Double Element
    直径或宽度:0.1875 to 0.3750 inch (4.76 to 9.52 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    护套材料:Stainless Steel or Brass
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded (optional feature)
  • Pyromation R5T185L Series 温度探头

    感应温度:-328 to 399 F (-200 to 204 C)
    元件配置:Single Element
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.5000 inch (3.17 to 12.7 mm)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    Application Options:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
  • Pyromation R5T185L(156)83 Series 温度探头

    感应温度:? to 399 F (? to 204 C)
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    元件配置:Single Element
    直径或宽度:0.1562 inch (3.97 mm)
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
    产品类别:Temperature Probes
    工艺连接:Other (Special)
    传感器终端类型:Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature); Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature)
    Probe Features:Available as an Assembly
    Application Options:Designed Specifically for Sanitary Applications; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
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